Democracy and elections are not perfect, but it could be worse.

David Davrod
1 min readJun 10, 2019


A lot of people complain about elections, and while I admit it is not perfect, I think it is good to remind ourselves that there are worse alternatives, such as the old fashioned monarchy or dynasty system.

While democratic elections do have some disasters, more often than not capable people with the right personality, training and experience are chosen. And on those occasions when the wrong person is elected, his term of office is only a few years and not for life.

On the other hand the old system of becoming the ruler of a country by inheriting the title, was much worse and fundamentally flawed. It led to a lot of unqualified and incompetent people gaining absolute and unchecked power just because of who their daddy was. People who you would not even trust to run a kitchen would be in charge of running a country.

A prime example of this is an emperor in ancient times named Cambyses, who inherited the throne from his father. One day when trying to get on his horse to lead his soldiers to battle, he accidentally stabbed himself with his spear and died. If this isn’t evidence why the old system of passing down power was flawed, I don’t know what is.

So despite democracy’s occasional failings, it is still the best system we have. It could be much worse.



#Final Score = Horse: 1 Emperor: 0

#Plot twist=horse was an assassin



David Davrod

Masters of Accounting, Masters of Finance, Bachelor Arts. Have also written 2 books on conversation skills, and 1 fiction book.