UFO Swamp Gas Alibi Shot Down by Fighter Pilot Who Was There

The government insisted the Dexter, Michigan UFO sighting in 1966 was swamp gas. Now, 55 years later, the Air Force pilot who investigated the anomaly gives his opinion.

6 min readFeb 6, 2023
Air Force F-106 fighter jet in flight
Photo by NASA

In the spring of 1966, Allen Hynek, the chief civilian investigator for the Air Force Project Blue Book, probably never thought he’d be slogging through a cedar swamp in Dexter, Michigan, looking for evidence of a mysterious craft sighting.

A few days earlier, a hundred or more people sighted a strange object hovering and landing near a farm. The US Air Force considered it serious enough to scramble F-106 jet fighters to intercept the unusual craft. When Hynek finally emerged from the swamp, he pronounced the incident as swamp gas.

This UFO incident made front page headlines in newspapers across the country. Congress demanded hearings. Even Walter Cronkite, the sage news reader for CBS news, mentioned the incident on his nightly newscast.

The swamp gas explanation, though, is not standing up convincingly today. Now, 55 years later, Air Force fighter pilot Colonel Gary Carroll, who intercepted the craft, has stepped forward to challenge the government’s swamp gas explanation. Through…

