David Plummer
1 min readAug 20, 2016


Leto was good in Dallas Buyer’s Club. He had did well with his roll in Requiem for a Dream. He was serviceable in Fight Club, his part there didn’t ask a lot. My So-Called Life was on to long ago to recollect how he truly preformed. What has he done for me lately? This guy has a lot to prove after this Suicide Squad. His Joker was uninspired. It was a little bit Nicholson , a little bit Ledger, and a bunch of uselessness. Seriously, Chris Klein could have brought us that disaster. I want to watch a good Blade Runner sequel. Preferably one the doesn’t have Leto in the cast. For some odd reason I think he’ll have his act together. His spotlight is glowing dim. There won’t be a second chance for him to save face if he doesn’t. Truly it makes no sense to me how he’s gotten this far in Hollywood. It’s difficult to consider him great actor. I can’t think of what he’s done to earn such respect. The righteous trash talk aside I’m picking the underdog. After all he convinced me to buy a Suicide Squad ticket …

