Do you Know You have Real Power?

Dr. David Martin
8 min readNov 29, 2019

As believers in Christ, we have real power to overcome life’s struggles.

Just a few years ago, a tragic fire in London that claimed the lives of over 80 people. The Grenfell Towers quickly went up in flames in minutes. Eighty people lost their lives, and 151 apartments were destroyed. One of the primary causes was the lack of a sprinkler system that was properly hooked up to an adequate supply of water. It turns out the tenants had been complaining for eight years — yet nothing had been done!

Can you believe that? It is so incredible that it is hard to believe. Yet, it was true. The sprinkler system was never properly connected to the main water supply. I think that this is what happens in the lives of too many Christians.

Far too many Christians don’t know, understand, or appropriate the power of God. They ‘don’t get it.’ I must admit there are many times when I don’t ‘get it.’

The theologian Martyn Lloyd-Jones captures this dilemma when he says that the most urgent practical questions for every Christian are these: “Are we aware of the fact that the mighty power of God is working in us? Do we realize that we are what we are solely and entirely by the grace and the power of God? Do we realize in our lives and experiences that it is this exceeding the great power of God that accounts for everything in the…



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at