We can turn our visions into reality, but we must include everyone.

Turning Vision into Reality

Dr. David Martin
Published in
6 min readDec 31, 2019


Taking vision from the C-suite to the street means involving everyone.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A. Barker

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Warren G. Bennis

One of the leadership buzzwords that you here all the time is the word ‘vision.’ “Leaders must have a clear vision”; “Without vision, the people perish”; “Vision is essential to leadership.”

I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard these vision quotes (and many others) in seminars and courses on leadership. Yet, I have rarely seen vision put into practice. From what I’ve seen, far too many managers don’t think vision is essential. Moreover, the few that think vision is important often do a very poor job of communicating their vision throughout their organizations. However, a vision that is not communicated or communicated poorly ends up being no vision at all.

Let me rephrase that again because it is such an important lesson to grasp. A vision that is not communicated to everyone is no vision at all.

A vision that is not communicated to everyone is no vision at all.

Why? Because if you don’t communicate your vision in a way that excites people…



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at davidpmartin@mediumauthor.com