So, We Moved to the Burbs

David Ramoy
4 min readNov 1, 2022


Photo by Uche Chilaka on Unsplash

Neatly cut grass, no cars parked on the street, newly paved driveways, recycling without a paper out of place and friendly waves as far as the eye can see. It’s official…we live in the suburbs. I moved here with the same conviction of any man who’s just worn down by constant noise of downtown living and the barrage of people driving back and forth in front of their home. Now don’t get me wrong, from the bottom of my heart I love every nook and cranny of downtown Delray, BUT there comes a time when you need a change.

You may be thinking I sound like someone who is ready to pack it in and spend time on his shuffle board game, not a man in his prime making his way in the world. Let the record show, not only am I ready, but I’ve already discussed special cleaning products for my driveway with my new neighbor. All I need is to come home to my wife having a Tupperware party and we’re good to go! This month’s “Om” is focused on my own personal opinion regarding the pros and cons from Downtown living to Suburbia. Let the games begin.


Before I moved to Delray Beach 10 years ago, I lived in NYC. I came here on vacation and like most people from South Florida I wondered why would I not live here? However, after the honeymoon wore off, even an area like downtown Delray can feel crammed and congested. Once upon a time I would have laughed at myself for making that statement, but its true. Since moving to the burbs I feel like there’s room to breathe. There is serious value in being able to take my dog for a walk without cars buzzing up and down my block. Where I used to have to drive for health and wellness, I now have tennis courts, basketball and a pool at my disposal.


Ugh this one definitely goes to Downtown. When we decided to move away from Downtown Delray, we knew this would come back to bite us. Although we still live very close to it all, it’s truly not the same. Before we could walk to any restaurant, pub, coffee shop in the area, even the beach! It was just that easy. Now we are just like the rest of the world schlepping ourselves looking for parking spots, paying for parking meters and concerned about 1-drink limit to safely drive home. The same people I used to mock trying to scramble for parking have now become my peers. This one still irks me.


Burbs all the way! Living downtown comes with Pubs and with the Pubs comes Patrons. Conveniently, most of those Patrons would pass my front door on a regular basis, providing some colorful noises, fights and even car accidents. My new environment is immaculate and the neighbors are some of the nicest people I’ve met. Not to say downtown people weren’t amazing, but as I’m getting older the burbs are a much safer option in my opinion. No more “I love you bro” being screamed on weekends at 2 am. Love me some guard gate!


Sighs…. Downtown by TKO. Lets face it, downtown living forces you to be more social. Who needs Netflix when you have a Jazz Festival going on two blocks over or a farmers market every $#%% Saturday in walking distance! Want a new piece of Art? How about a pitcher of Sangria? Well, then don’t hesitate to throw on some flip-flops and just walk on over baby! Friends come to visit? Nothing says cool like being able to mosey on over to all the action simply by walking or taking a golf cart. Downtown living is truly accessible. There’s always something to do. You never have to worry about drinking and driving, and the only time you say the word “Uber” is when you get really excited. Downtown living is just awesome.

So there you have it, my interpretation of burbs vs. downtown. Agree or disagree this is just my opinion, and who knows, this may all change in the next 6 months. Here is what I know now; life is full of changes and transitions and you will find yourself living in many different settings, states and even countries. My advice- there are pros and cons to each place- BUT wherever you are NOW enjoy the pros and forget about the cons because your next big life change may take you to a place where you miss those things…like not having to look for a parking spot.

(I wrote this article, before kids lol)

