ChatGPT Show Me Diagrams Plugin

David R Oliver
5 min readJun 20, 2023

Plugins offer ChatGPT a range of new capabilities, including displaying diagrams written in Mermaid script and PlantUML, making it easy to share with friends and colleagues.

AI Self Portrait — Image created by Dall-e2 instructed by the Author

The Show Me Diagrams Plugin empowers ChatGPT to present diagrams directly. In the past, ChatGPT would generate a script in Mermaid that needed to be manually transferred to another application or service for rendering. ChatGPT can now effortlessly showcase diagrams within its interface using the Show Me Diagrams Plugin.

In this article, I will explain how to install the Plugin, how to use it, how to share and edit diagrams and then answer some interesting questions about it.


It’s important to note that the Plugin facility is in Beta (June 2023), so not everyone will have access to this functionality yet. You can join the Plugin waitlist here. In my experience, the request is granted reasonably quickly in just a few days.

To add plugins to ChatGPT, first, create a New Chat.

Hovering over the choice of GPT3.4 and GPT4 (if you pay for the ChatGPT Plus subscription), there are new options, ‘Plugins’,



David R Oliver

Visual-Spatial Thinker | Problem Solver and Connector of Dots | Cat Dad