Playgrounds with Shade Structures


Playgrounds with Shade Structures

Doesn’t sunlight bother both you and your kids when you go out to play during daytime in summers? Aren’t you worried about tanning or sunburn? Sunlight can be a serious nuisance if you don’t take measures to protect yourself. Due to this reason, shade structures have become common nowadays for playgrounds, stadiums, theatres, or any other open space.

Protecting you from the harmful UV rays of sunlight is the most obvious benefits of shades. Here, in this article, I am going to tell you six other benefits of installing shades in a playground structure.

Advantages of Shade Structures

You don’t have to worry if you haven’t installed a shade in your playground while making as you can do it even after completion. If you take your kids to a nearby playground, you can ask its management to install shades so that your children can take the following advantages.

1. Protection from UV Rays

Do you know a prolong exposure to sunlight can even cause skin cancer apart from giving you sunburn or tanning? The most obvious benefit of a shade is protection from the lethal UV rays that have the ability to penetrate into your skin. Not only do they damage your skin during summers, sunlight even in winters is capable of tanning the skin.

Children have more sensitive skins that adults; therefore, they are affected more badly.

2. Reduce Exposure to Other Elements

Apart from sunlight, both you and your kids need protection from other elements such as rain, dust, and the wind they are playing outside.
For instance, the U.S.A.’s most famous shade fabrics called Shadesure TM runs off around 60 to 70% water. As a result, children play without hindrance when it rains.

3. Works as a Cooler

Even while blocking the path of other elements mentioned above, most of the fabrics used in a shade allow air to cross. Therefore, they keep the area below cool enough to play and run around. Playgrounds structures with shades work even better than a metal or a wooden structured play area.

4. Provides More Fun

Since the area is cool and safe from dust, wind, and water, your kids would love to spend prolonged hours in shades. To add more fun, you can have a picnic or a get together at the same place with your friends or family while your kids play around. I bet you are gonna love the time you spend there because you can keep an eye on your kids and enjoy yourself simultaneously.

5. Protects Other Equipment

If you have a car with you, the shade will take care of it. Moreover, it provides protection to other objects such as a laptop as you can easily take it out and use it under a shade without worrying.

6. Gives Comfort

If you just aim to have an eye on your kids, you can lie down and relax. Furthermore, if you have an elderly person or a patient with you, it will be comforting for them as well.



Creative Recreational Systems, Inc.

Creative Recreational Systems, Inc. provides you with the best outdoor playground equipment you’ll find anywhere in the markets or on the internet.