Why quitting my job to play music was the EASIEST decision I’ve ever made.

David Shanhun
3 min readAug 6, 2017


November. Bank Balance less than $100. Upcoming shows or gigs booked — none. Summer. 2010.

I quit my job at a call center, and decided I would spend one year making money only by performing as a musician.

It’s now 7 years on, and I’m writing this from Vanuatu, having just played at a wedding over here. I made it through my first year by performing only, and I have spent one morning since that year where I worked a job to help a friends company out delivering and setting up a PA and Karaoke system.

So why keep reading this article?

Because YOU mostly likely have a bold move you’d love to make. And the insights I’ll share from my journey will help nudge you forward on yours.

Plus… it’ll work out.

Now, I’m not saying there won’t be challenges!

During the first year, I recorded and released my first original album, got nominated for the NZ Country Music Association Horizon Award, got told I could never be successful in the industry (from an industry exec) as I was going bald already, lived in my car for 4 months, and performed a duet live on stage with Grammy Award Winner Bryan White.

I’ve since had the opportunity to hang with Grammy Award winner Chris Berry, Brit Award Best Male Solo Artist James Bay, and perform to my largest audience yet of 8,500 people, plus had a #2 single on the iTunes Country Charts in New Zealand.

So am I rich?

Both yes and no.

I have struggled at various times financially to do all that I’ve wanted to do, yet always found a way.

When I was nominated the second time for the NZCMA Horizon Award I arrived on the day to perform with $6 in my bank account. Only my closest friends really knew.

I have also experienced the beautiful freedom of creating and making music, and have a much bigger smile on my face each day, getting the chance to sing and perform, and choose what I will create each day.

My most successful moments personally are usually the ones nobody sees — mostly personal notes saying that I’ve inspired or influenced somebody in a positive way, or that a song of mine has made an impact on somebody or helped them get through a tough time.

To me, I have a wealth of riches that I never had before choosing this life path.

A wealth that is measured in the smile on my face, and the smiles on the faces of the people that I interact with.

Oh, and I do have some cash too!

So, why was it the easiest decision I’ve ever made?

Because I had a dream to be a full time performer since I was 14 years old. In my heart it never left.

It took 13 years for me to finally choose that path and make it happen. I believe you can too.

The reality is during those 13 years I was learning and growing, and my first year as a full time musician was the culmination of everything I had learnt up until that point.

So, while it looked like it was an overnight change, in reality it had been slowly building in the background.

Don’t fret if your dream seems too far out of reach today. If you keep your mind on it and take simple actions, it WILL sneak closer!



P.S.I’d love to hear from you!

What is it that you would love to pursue, and what dreams do you have?

If I can support you in any way please reach out to me. Lets take a step forward together.

You can find me on twitter @davidshanhun or feel free to stop by my website www.davidshanhun.com

Wishing you courage on your journey ahead





David Shanhun

Musician. Traveller and Adventurer. Here to contribute what I can to all of you who have a dream. Say hi @davidshanhun