The Five Big Mistakes To Be Avoided In App Marketing

Rapidsoft Technologies
3 min readJul 11, 2016


Mobile app developers know how difficult it is to get good place on app stores. More than 1,500 apps are launched every day on Google Play and Apple App Store while millions of others are already there. To make difference on any app-store, having a great app may work. But, how will users discover it? They will know about it only by marketing which is far more crucial than the app’s development itself.

But marketing too may fall and reasons are more than one. Here are the mistakes that cause failure to an app and its marketing:

Launching app development without thinking about marketing

Mobile app developers will start working on an app the day you assign it to them. But often time companies wait for the completion of their app projects and think that they will start the marketing once the app is launched on app store. Here they do make mistake. The right approach is to begin working on marketing next to the development and keep nurturing it until the app launch data comes close.

Once the app is ready, set a release data and then accelerate its marketing. Start marketing campaign at least 3–4 weeks before the launch of an app so that more and more people would be able to know about it.

Developing without research and data

Many companies begin app development without having much research and data in hand. It’s another big mistake they do. The right approach is to have insights into similar apps in the market by understanding user behavior and discovering potential market or consumers. If the findings are in the favor of your app idea, it is worth converting in a real product.

Developing and launching an app without considering LTV

LTV or Life Time Value is also the part of marketing. It predicts the net profits attributed to entire future relationship with a customer. Knowing about LTV lets you determine where and how much to invest in acquiring users. Developing and marketing an app without knowing the LTV will of course affect profits and user-engagement.

Not Valuing App Store Optimization or ASO

ASO stands for app store optimization. It’s nothing but optimizing the app page on a store to make the app findable. It’s based on the practices followed in search engine optimization (SEO). It begins with app icon and app name — the two key gateways to an app. Then it includes the title which should have main keyword. The description should have main and secondary keywords which should be placed in with keeping their proximity and prominence in mind.

ASO isn’t a quick process delivering you results over the night. You may need to run several tests before coming to a best app ASO strategy. You have to keep improving it to get desired results. ASO is a simple thing and one can easily get valuable return out of it.

Not Customizing the App As Per The Platform

App stores of both Google and Apple are unique at their own places. What works for one may not work for other and thus you need to customize the app and related market plan accordingly. This is called personalization of an app as per the platform.

