David Smith
1 min readNov 20, 2015


Aah, Miriam. You couldn’t take the heat with me having a laugh at your expense over at your blog so you got all censorious and deleted half my posts and blocked me.

I’m heartbroken! A loony old woman who hangs onto any leftist cause that passes her way has tried to push me out of her life. What am I to do?

Oh, I know. I’ll get on with living my life with my wife. She’s a blonde, elegant, and beautiful woman with a biting wit who has enough strength of character that she doesn’t have to starting ‘burning her bra’ and getting all shouty like you do when a red-blooded male argues back. As an added bonus, she’s also a multi-millionaire, so we can fly wherever we want, take taxis absolutely everywhere, and eat huge amounts of the choicest cuts of cow at ridiculously expensive restaurants in the heart of London. We spent this evening at the Berners Tavern. It’s marvellous. If you’re ever in town you should try it sometime. I can heartily recommend the cocktails:


It really is the high-life and our carbon footprint is massive, although it’s nowhere near as large as Saint Al Gore’s.

How did I snare such an amazing woman? I’m unbelievably good in bed. Isn’t life grand?

Ho hum, you’re probably so angry with everyone ’cause you’re not getting enough time in the sack with your partner of choice.

There, I bet that’s got your blood boiling, hasn’t it.

I await your next angry reply…

