Hermoso Cariño

The day my son was born.

David Soto Jr.
A Parent Is Born


Photo credit: David Soto, Jr.

“Babe, my water just broke.” ~You Know Who

It was around 9:30 am on Friday when I heard those words. I was at work. “Work” being the cafe at the gym. I have recently resumed my morning routine of going to a coffee shop first thing to start my day. This coffee shop happens to be at my gym.

When the phone rang, I was surprised to see that it was my wife (aka You Know Who). She never calls me. I knew right away what it was.

“I’ll be right there,” I said as I began to pack up my gear.

I looked around the cafe. I wanted to tell someone — anyone, but I’m new to the area and new to the gym. I didn’t know anyone except maybe Ozzie Smith, but he wasn’t there. It must have been his rest day.

I couldn’t even get a stranger to say how’s it going or something. If they had, I would have been more than happy to tell them that my wife just went into labor. No one asked though so I just got in the truck and headed home.

During the three minute drive back to the house I became overwhelmed with joy and felt the urge to share how I felt. The only person I could think to tell was Davey himself even though he was hours away from entering this world.



David Soto Jr.
A Parent Is Born

David is a retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant who didn’t realize until reaching his forties that he was a writer. Books available at https://amzn.to/2Ye0yWd