A Journey to Spiritual Awakening: How to Ascend to Celestial Sanctum

David Spradlin
7 min readJan 11, 2023



Are you ready to embark on a spiritual journey and ascend to celestial sanctum? Spiritual awakening is a process of self-transformation and spiritual ascension, allowing us to reach a higher level of consciousness and awareness. It is a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration, as well as a journey of reconnection with the divine. In this blog article, we’ll explore the stages of spiritual awakening and provide tips and tools to help you along your spiritual journey.

What is spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery and inner exploration, and the unlocking of our true spiritual potential. It is a journey of self-transformation and spiritual ascension, allowing us to reach a higher level of consciousness and awareness. It is the process of expanding our awareness and deepening our understanding of the spiritual realm. It is a journey of reconnection with the divine and an exploration of the true nature of reality.

Spiritual awakening is a journey of transformation and self-realization. It is a process of uncovering our true spiritual nature and understanding our place in the universe. It is the awakening of our spiritual potential and the unlocking of our innermost wisdom. It is a journey of reconnecting with the divine and coming to a place of self-acceptance and unconditional love.

Spiritual awakening is also a journey of healing and growth. It is a process of letting go of limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior and embracing a new way of seeing the world. It is a journey of understanding our true purpose and discovering our unique gifts and talents. It is a journey of healing and transformation, allowing us to be more connected to our true self and the divine.

The stages of spiritual awakening

There are many stages of spiritual awakening, each one leading to the next. The first stage is the recognition of the need for spiritual growth and awakening. This is when we begin to recognize that there is something more to life than just our physical reality. We begin to become aware of the spiritual realms and the infinite possibilities that exist beyond our physical world.

The second stage of spiritual awakening is the realization of our true spiritual nature. This is when we become aware of our true spiritual identity and begin to understand our place in the universe. We begin to understand our connection to the divine and the spiritual realms. This is also the stage where we begin to explore our innermost thoughts and feelings and begin to understand our unique gifts and talents.

The third stage of spiritual awakening is the awakening of our true spiritual potential. This is when we begin to understand the power of our thoughts and feelings and begin to use them to create positive change in our lives. We begin to understand our connection to the divine and the spiritual realms and begin to use our spiritual gifts and talents to manifest our highest potential.

The fourth stage of spiritual awakening is the journey of ascension. This is the stage where we begin to understand our true purpose and discover our place in the universe. We begin to understand our connection to the divine and use our spiritual gifts and talents to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. This is the stage where we begin to experience spiritual ascension and our spiritual journey comes to fruition.

Signs of spiritual awakening

There are many signs of spiritual awakening, and they can be both physical and emotional. Some of the most common signs of spiritual awakening include:

  • An increased awareness of the spiritual realms
  • A heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing
  • A deepened connection to the divine
  • A heightened sense of self-love and self-acceptance
  • A heightened sense of compassion and empathy
  • A feeling of peace and contentment
  • A heightened sense of purpose and direction
  • An increased ability to manifest your desires

If you are experiencing any of these signs, then it is likely that you are undergoing a spiritual awakening.

Tools and techniques for spiritual awakening

There are many tools and techniques that can help you on your journey to spiritual awakening. Some of the most popular spiritual tools and techniques include:

  • Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for spiritual awakening and can help to increase your awareness of the spiritual realms. It can also help to clear your mind of negative thoughts and feelings and help to bring clarity and focus to your spiritual journey.
  • Journaling: Journaling is a great way to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings and can help to bring clarity and understanding to your spiritual journey.
  • Yoga: Yoga is a powerful practice for spiritual awakening and can help to bring balance and harmony to your body, mind, and soul.
  • Energy healing: Energy healing can help to unblock energy that is stuck in your body, allowing you to unlock your spiritual potential.
  • Breathwork: Breathwork is a powerful practice for spiritual awakening and can help to bring clarity and focus to your spiritual journey.
  • Nature: Spending time in nature can help to bring balance and harmony to your body, mind, and soul.
  • Prayer: Prayer is a powerful practice for spiritual awakening and can help to bring clarity and focus to your spiritual journey.

How to start a spiritual journey

The first step in starting a spiritual journey is to recognize the need for spiritual growth and awakening. This is the first step in understanding our true spiritual nature and unlocking our spiritual potential. Once you have recognized the need for spiritual growth, it is important to take the time to explore your beliefs and understand your connection to the divine.

The next step is to find tools and techniques that can help you on your spiritual journey. This could include meditation, journaling, yoga, energy healing, breathwork, nature, and prayer. It is important to find the practices that work best for you and to practice them regularly.

It is also important to find a spiritual mentor or guide who can support and guide you on your journey. Having someone to turn to for advice and guidance can be invaluable in helping you to unlock your spiritual potential.

Preparing yourself for spiritual ascension

As you prepare for spiritual ascension, it is important to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. It is important to cultivate an attitude of acceptance and unconditional love. This will help to open your heart and mind and allow you to access the spiritual realms.

It is also important to create a spiritual practice that works for you. This could include meditation, journaling, yoga, energy healing, breathwork, nature, and prayer. It is important to find the practices that work best for you and to practice them regularly.

It is also important to learn to let go of limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior. This will allow you to create space for new possibilities and open yourself up to new experiences.

The importance of having a spiritual mentor

Having a spiritual mentor or guide can be invaluable in helping you to unlock your spiritual potential. Having someone to turn to for advice and guidance can help to keep you on track and can provide you with the support and encouragement you need to stay committed to your spiritual journey.

A spiritual mentor can provide you with the tools and techniques to help you on your journey and can help to keep you focused and motivated. They can also provide you with insights and guidance to help you to understand your spiritual journey and the spiritual realms.

The benefits of spiritual awakening

The benefits of spiritual awakening are many and varied. Some of the most common benefits include:

  • Increased awareness and understanding of the spiritual realms
  • A heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing
  • A deeper connection to the divine
  • Increased self-love and self-acceptance
  • A feeling of peace and contentment
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Increased ability to manifest your desires
  • A heightened sense of purpose and direction

The journey to celestial sanctum

The journey to celestial sanctum is a journey of spiritual ascension and self-discovery. It is the journey to the highest realms of consciousness and the unlocking of our spiritual potential. It is a journey of reconnecting with the divine and coming to a place of self-acceptance and unconditional love.

The journey to celestial sanctum begins with the recognition of the need for spiritual growth and awakening. Once you have recognized the need for spiritual growth, it is important to take the time to explore your beliefs and understand your connection to the divine.

The next step is to find tools and techniques that can help you on your journey. This could include meditation, journaling, yoga, energy healing, breathwork, nature, and prayer. It is important to find the practices that work best for you and to practice them regularly.

Steps for spiritual ascension

The steps for spiritual ascension are as follows:

  • Recognize the need for spiritual growth and awakening
  • Find tools and techniques to help you on your journey
  • Find a spiritual mentor or guide
  • Create a spiritual practice that works for you
  • Let go of limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior
  • Cultivate an attitude of acceptance and unconditional love
  • Explore your innermost thoughts and feelings
  • Connect to the divine
  • Ascend to higher levels of consciousness

By following these steps, you can begin your journey to spiritual ascension and unlock your spiritual potential.


Spiritual awakening is a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration, and the unlocking of our true spiritual potential. It is a journey of reconnection with the divine and an exploration of the true nature of reality. By understanding the stages of spiritual awakening, recognizing the signs of spiritual awakening, and utilizing the tools and techniques for spiritual awakening, you can begin your journey to spiritual ascension and access the celestial sanctum.

Learn How to access the celestial sanctum and begin your journey to spiritual awakening today!



David Spradlin

Tech developer exploring how technology shapes society & humanity. Articles cover development, truth, self-help, wellness & finding balance in tech world