The Ark’s False Profit

Ken Ham admits his promises to community never held water

David MacMillan
Age of Awareness


A con artist depends on one critical tool: trust. As long as he can keep his victims depending on him and trusting that he’s got their best interests in mind, he can keep fleecing them. Typically, the con artist will go to tremendous lengths to maintain the relationship, carefully heading off doubts and demurring suspicions. When the con man finally stops cultivating the dependence of his victims, it means one of two things: either he’s been caught, or he’s already taken them for all they’re worth.

Screenshot from documentary

Award-winning independent documentary We Believe In Dinosaurs from Chicago-based 137Films enjoyed its broadcast premiere on PBS’s Independent Lens this week. The film follows the construction of the Ark Encounter theme park, the subject of intense controversy due to its misappropriation of state tax incentives, discriminatory hiring practices, and depiction of discredited pseudoscience as a legitimate alternative to evidence-based science education.



David MacMillan
Age of Awareness

Anyone with really good ideas will always be looking for better ones. Writing about law, fundamentalism, and science denial…book to follow.