David Steve Matthe
2 min readFeb 15, 2017


I have written a Thesis Title: Copyright Law and Medical Plant Research; Pharmacological and Clinical Research; Ph.D US which is from my original industrial biotechnological research for discovery of new biodrugs and manufacturing of the proprietary medicines in terms of intellectual property rights. The results from clinical research and practice: An inpatient presented with pulmonary tuberculosis, SWH Sol was administered orally for about 15 days. BACTERIOLGICAL TEST. The Technologist used the Tubercle Bacillus on SWH Sol and discovered that the SWH Sol contains antitubercular and pharmacological properties; he was discharged. A patient presented with 2 bronchopleural pleural fistulas which is one of the complications of tuberculosis and an external abscess size 8 cm x 10 cm dorsally onto the scapular region and was going to hospital for the recurring abscesses for ten years. SWH Sol was administered orally for septicemia; the dampened GlycoSapin was administered onto the hardened skin of the external abscess for 4 days; it ruptured and was drained. The bronchopleural fistulas healed serendipitously.

A woman presented with a dead fetus; SWH Sol was administered orally at 6.00 PM and a dead fetus and placenta were expelled at 9.00 PM. The mother was healed with micropsia at 9.00 PM, she was cured.

A woman presented with cervical cancer, SWH Sol was administered orally with good prognostic results; I instructed her to go for PAP SMEAR; the Pathologist’s characterized there were no cancer cells.

The health care programs are gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics and general practice, and did original industrial biotechnological research for discovery of new biodrugs and manufacture the proprietary medicines according to intellectual property rights, and this is for the GSA Headquarters 18F Street Washington DC. MD Program Harvard Medical School; ASH Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. I follow First Lady Michelle Obama for #62MillionGirls Let Girls Learn.

