Does eating Small Snacks slow down Weight Loss!?

David Smith
2 min readJul 7, 2021

Somebody might have told you that it is a good idea to eat 1 to 3 snacks a day between meals. I understand why most people think like this. Eating smaller recurring meals can be very helpful for someone who has diabetes because of the blood sugar stabilizing effect.

Research has shown in particular that high-protein, high fiber and low carbs are good at achieving that goal. There is also a lot of evidence linking the snacking of(high-protein, high fiber and low carb snacks) can help with losing weight particularly in those with blood sugar issues. There was one study that showed high protein snacks helped people with type two diabetes.

High protein snack examples include:


Turkey roll-ups

Trail mix

Veggies and yogurt dip

Peanut butter celery sticks

Handful of Almonds

Snacking can also be helpful to those of have problems with portion control. Preventing yourself from becoming overly hungry can benefit someone who struggles with mindful eating.

While snacking may help to achieve a better eating style, it is definitely not a requirement. There is a false belief that people must eat six small meals a day to lose weight. The science behind that belief isn’t strongly supported because studies show many inconsistent results.

Snacking too much though could have a negative effect on your blood sugar. The more you eat the more your body fills with insulin and will have sways in blood sugar levels.

I hope this was helpful to you. 😊

