What is Garden Seed Box?

David Timberlake Olson
3 min readJan 28, 2017


what is garden seed box

A garden seed box

What is garden seed box? Well, seed box is also known as flats or trays. If you are gardener, you should have this tool right away. It offers you great benefits to help you do the gardening smoothly. This seed box can hold a great number of any seeds in only one container. By having a garden seed box you can save a lot of spaces. Besides that, the seedlings can be moved by the grower very easily.

Don’t worry if your plant grows. When the young plant grows bigger and longer than the garden seed box, it can be moved and transplanted to one larger container or directly to your garden. In today’s article you will find out about something you should prepare to make your garden seeds box ready.

Preparations in gardening using garden seed box

Choose the seed box

Before you do the gardening, choose the garden seed box with the right type. There are so many types of seed box you can choose from. But generally, there are two types of boxes. The first one is the garden seed box with open spaces which is suitable with sowing seeds. The second one is garden seed box that is divided into each compartment.

Clean the garden seed box

Some garden seed boxes are made from plastic or even other durable materials. These kinds of seed boxes are recyclable and reusable even after years. If you use garden seed box that is same you used in the previous year, you should clean it before you use it to plant your seeds.

How to clean it? First, make sure the box is clean from any dust and dirt by washing it. Second you can make your own solution to clean it which is one part bleach and nine glass of water. You can use this solution to clean the box thoroughly. The last one, you can rinse them with water until there is no bleach left.

Have a smooth drainage

A good garden seed box has slits, holes or cracks in the bottom part. The function is for excessing water to drain out from the box. If your box doesn’t have this kind of hole, you can make it by your own by using a sharp tool. This sharp tool will help you to make holes in the bottom. But, if your garden seed box has divided type, you need one hole in every compartment.

Ready to plant

After your garden seed box is clean, it’s ready to be filled! Choose the right growing medium that can make your seed grow well. If your plants you want to grow are garden vegetables, you can mix one part of perlite, one part of peat and of course one part of soil. When the garden seed box is filled with the seeds and medium soil, you should water them. Check whether the excess water can drain out.

So, after you know what is garden seed box and the preparations you need to do before planting, you can wait your plants to grow as you expect. Don’t forget to water them regularly. Happy gardening!

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