What are the Benefits of Product Customization and Personalization

David Webb
4 min readMay 15, 2019


It’s no secret that the online market is highly competitive and oversaturated these days. Standing out in such a crowd becomes increasingly difficult as time goes by. Now, businesses must compete on every level possible, only to be able to effectively reach out to their target audience.

That’s why companies are always looking for a way to make themselves unique. One of these ways is product customization and personalization. By making your products even slightly more interesting or appealing, you can ensure that your customers will be more willing to buy it. The fact of the matter is that consumers today prefer personalization in general.

Whether it’s a custom offer, a promotion, product label or packaging, everything with a personal touch is considered more valuable. Therefore, by going that extra mile to make your products stand out in one way or another, your businesses can enjoy various benefits. With that in mind, here are a few benefits of product customization and personalization.

Customer engagement

The customization and personalization of products can easily engage your customers. Adding a bit of personalization to products based on consumer preferences is bound to have a positive impact on them. The fact of the matter is that there’s an abundance of products floating around the market today. In other words, consumers have pretty much seen it all and they’re on the lookout for something unique.

One of the best ways to stand out on the market and boost customer engagement is to provide them with something they haven’t seen before. This may prove to be a challenging task. However, if you conduct enough research, you’ll undoubtedly find a way to customize and personalize your products in a way that will be appealing to your target audience.

Brand awareness

Personalized and customized products can do wonders for your brand awareness. Online visibility and recognition are essential for business success these days and having a product that everyone will talk about can yield quite a bit of publicity for your company. Of course, you want to avoid publicity where everyone talks about your poor product design.

Instead, you want to create buzz revolving around how well your products are personalized. You don’t even have to go far with personalization the get the crowd going. As a matter of fact, well-designed Avery labels can make your product stand out in the crowd. It will make your business look more professional, which results in instant brand recognition. Such visibility and awareness is vital in today’s competitive market.

Competitive advantage

Having products that are not only unique in their own way but also quite appealing to consumers can give you a significant competitive advantage on the market. Aside from the fact that more consumers will want to buy products from you, you can even slightly increase the prices. As mentioned before, everything with even a bit of personal touch is perceived as more valuable.

So much in fact, that consumers are even willing to pay up to 25% more for personalized or customized goods. Not only will product personalization benefit your company’s profitability and bottom line but it will also allow you to gain a bigger market share with your products. Once you’ve established yourself as a unique brand that offers unique products, your competitors will constantly have to struggle to catch up to you on the market.

Customer loyalty

Another benefit of having personalized and customized products on the market is customer retention, as well as customer loyalty. Nowadays, simply acquiring new customers is not enough to guarantee your business success. Repeat and loyal customers are the key to having a profitable company that manages to thrive on the market. That being said, it’s 6–7 times more expensive to gain a new customer than it’s to retain an existing one.

By adding personalization to products, you can easily ensure that customers will return to buy from you and even turn into loyal customers. Loyalty is a reward on its own and not just from a sales point of view. As a matter of fact, loyal customers are more likely to promote your business further through word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals to their friends and family.

Improved visibility and presence

Sometimes, business success is not only about increasing profits and sales. In fact, sometimes it’s about making an impact on the market itself. By winning over customers with personalized and customized products, you can boost your online visibility and presence. You can establish a meaningful and long-lasting relationship with your customers, which will also improve your company’s influence on the market.

In addition, standing out in such a way tends to attract all sorts of attention and not just from consumers. You stand to gain more publicity for the mass media, additional exposure to a broader audience and more organic traffic to your website, among other things. Furthermore, you may even reach the point where your brand will dictate which trends are worth following on the market.

It’s crucial for businesses to be able to compete in today’s crowded market. Some leverage exceptional marketing, while others tend to be more consumer-oriented. Personalized and customized products may easily get you the crowd’s favor. That can be the support you’ve needed to reach the heights you’ve been striving to reach.

