Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Unpacked

Gentle Dentistry
2 min readNov 29, 2022


The temporomandibular joint is essentially a sliding hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. This joint is present on both sides of the skull, just a little ahead of the ears. The TMJs are used to move the jaw to speak or eat. Any disorders in these joints can be intensely painful and can hinder people from doing everyday tasks.

What Causes TMJ disorders

There is no one cause for temporomandibular joint disorder; it varies from person to person and also be a result of a combination of factors. It can be caused due to trauma, general wear, and tear, an improper bite, arthritis, teeth grinding, stress, or even a dislocation of the disc between the ball and socket joint. In essence, this disorder results from any injury to the jaw joints and the surrounding tissues.


Unfortunately, with TMJ disorders, the resulting pain is not just limited to the jaw. Aside from pain and tenderness in your jaw, you can also experience acute pain in and around the ears, facial pain, and severe headaches. The symptoms mainly present as pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints as well as difficulty and pain while chewing. The locking on the joint can also make it difficult to open and close the joy. Another symptom of TMJ disorders is a clicking sound that occurs when you chew or open your mouth. Even if you do not experience any pain while eating or opening your mouth, the clicking sound is a tell-tale sign of TMJ disorder, but you might not necessarily need treatment for it.


Diagnosing TMJ disorders can be done through in-person physical examination, x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. During the process, a doctor will examine the range of motion of your jaw, listen closely to the sounds your jaw makes while opening and closing, and even press the outside of your jaw to check for tenderness and for the area where the pain is most severe.

Treatment Options

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, or intense pain that does not show any signs of stopping, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Depending on your condition, the TMJ specialist can prescribe different treatments for you. In most cases, simple self-care practices and pain medication can suffice. These practices include using cold or hot compresses, eating soft food so as to not aggravate the joint, and taking medication that reduces inflammation and pain. In more severe cases, the doctor would advise surgical options to relieve your pain.

If you are looking for a TMJ specialist in San Diego, Gentle Dentistry should be your first choice. They provide excellent care for their patients, and Dr. Abadan, the TMJ disorder specialist, is an expert in her field and will ensure that she is able to address all your concerns.



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