Davina MacKail
6 min readJul 2, 2023
Full Super Moon in Capricorn July 3rd — How to Navigate the Work/Life Balance

Full Super Moon in Capricorn July 3rd — How to Navigate the Work/Life Balance

A full super moon arrives in Capricorn on July 3rd at 11.38am BST. The Moon is close, within the Earth’s orbit, looming large and magnetising seismic activity. Wilder tides and strong gravitational shifts mark our cardinal goat’s annual half way point. It’s check-in time. An opportunity to re-evaluate and re-configure your plans, goals and aspirations for the next 6 months. Long term targets are up for review whilst you re-assess your daily schedule. Is it effective? What are you managing well? What still needs adjustment? What’s important? What matters?

Our reversed lunar nodes assist by offering up the same old power dynamics but seen from a different perspective. Opposed the Sun in Cancer this is the lunar axis of our work/life balance. Cancer wants us internal, cosy, safe and well fed. Capricorn wants us external scaling the cliff face of our ambitions. It’s the child/parent pivot. Moving from the safety of the nest, the personal family to becoming an independent adult. It’s a coming of age, as part of the Global family. Cancer retreats, Capricorn advances. How do we find the simplicity, the harmony between the two? The balance is found in creating the earthy structure. The strong banks that allow the river to flow towards its destiny unimpeded. What boundaries do you need to uphold your sense of safety? What does that safe container look like for you?

Davina MacKail

Hay House Author, Feng Shui expert, Medicine Woman, Agent of Emanation