Davina MacKail
6 min readMay 30, 2022


New Moon May 30th in Gemini — The Twins are in the Driving Seat

New moon at 9–10 degrees of airy Gemini on Monday 30th. The reverberations of eclipse season ricochet off the cosmic pin ball machine as this lunar renewal brings in a breath of fresh air. Closing the eclipse cycle it reveals the green shoots of what our future holds. You’ll feel the energy shift — as the total lunar eclipse severed what no longer serves your highest purpose. As further waves of awakening wash over you, tune into your breath, the wind, self-expression, language. Use it as a gift to all those with ears to hear.

A Gemini moon has a lot to say. Its twin symbol is key — this is an internal AND external dialogue. This sign rules self-talk, the monkey mind, the incessant internal chatter. It also rules ideas, stories, information and communication. The greater cosmic push is towards mastery of our thinking. As we believe so we see. Gemini’s insatiable thirst for knowledge, like the air everywhere and nowhere, has the tendency to become side-tracked, distracted and scattered. Linked to social media, Twitter epitomises Gemini’s Mercurial ruler spouting off for the sheer curiosity of what response may be provoked. Watch the obsessive phone scrolling in the coming week.

We need to consciously focus on what we’re choosing to create in these pivotal moments of human evolution. The Mercurial twin’s energy can create mental schisms. We can sense…



Davina MacKail

Hay House Author, Feng Shui expert, Medicine Woman, Agent of Emanation