How to design an awesome landing page

9 easy ways to make your web page stand out

Davina S
5 min readJun 1, 2018
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If you want to create a compelling, engaging and high converting landing page, there are a few simple rules and guidelines you should be following. It takes a bit more work than just designing a pretty looking page. It also needs to be relevant and user-friendly. Whatever product or service you are marketing, you want to make sure you are presenting your visitors with the best page possible to nail those conversions!

By following a few of my UX best practices you’ll be well on your way to creating a better landing page for your product:

1. Focus on the offer

As soon as a visitor lands on your page they should know what you are offering them. Use your H1 header text to make it super clear what your page is about. Don’t leave people feeling confused. Don’t make them go searching for information. Make it obvious what you are selling.

2. Keep it simple

Landing pages should be clean and clear of unnecessary content, and the content should be well organized. Don’t make it too text heavy, visitors to your site will most likely scan the page at first, break up text by adding bold headings, relevant eye-catching images or even videos — but remember don’t overload the customer! Add secondary and less important content lower down the page if needed.

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3. Call-to-Action above the fold

This really goes without saying. If you want to add a button that says “register” and you want your visitors to click that button, then make sure it appears above the fold, don’t make people go searching for it. If there is an action to take, make it really clear and easy to see what it is.

4. Write compelling original content

It’s a basic SEO requirement, but be sure to include original content on your site that is relevant to the product you are selling, and don’t copy somebody else’s content. Make it interesting, be sure to include related keywords and ensure the content is well written.

5. Use eye-catching graphics

It takes more than an attractive page to convert customers, but images will absolutely enhance your page. However, there’s nothing worse than landing on a site stuffed full of the same old generic stock photography. Be sure to use good quality, striking, relevant images to help sell your product and convert your leads to customers.

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6. Consider adding freebies

Everybody loves a freebie right?! There’s nothing more inviting than letting people know they can get something for free — a video, eBook download, free trial, money off, a special offer etc etc.

7. Add reviews from customers

By adding testimonials from real clients you’ll be adding huge value to your product. If potential customers see other happy customers they could well be more encouraged to pay for your product or service. It also adds a sense of trust.

8. Keep forms to a minimum

If you have to include a form keep it as short as possible. Only ask for details that are absolutely necessary. The longer the form, the less likely somebody is to fill it in. Live by the rule that the less clicks the visitor has to make to buy or sign up, the more likely they will convert. And this is equally important on mobile. And this leads on nicely to my final point…

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9. Make it mobile friendly!

More people than ever are visiting landing pages on their mobiles, and this will continue to grow, so don’t ignore what your site looks like on a smaller device. It should be fully optimized for mobile and made as user-friendly as possible. Keep this in mind when designing your page. It’s shocking how many bad landing pages I still come across on my mobile.


I’ve been a UX/UI designer for over 10 years. I’ve seen my share of bad landing pages versus high converting pages. My tips above can be used as a really simple guide in helping you to create the best platform to sell your product.

And if you want to take this even further, one of the best ways to find a successful landing page is to run an AB or Multivariate test on different designs. The results that these tests deliver can be highly valuable and useful in understanding your visitor’s behaviour when landing on your site. Thanks for reading!

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Davina lives on the Mediterranean island of Malta where she works as a UX designer. Originally from the UK she has also lived in Barcelona. See some of her work here:



Davina S

UX product designer, creative artist, PT, vegan health coach & marathon runner. Sharing posts about my 2 passions - design & fitness.