Why I’m running my second marathon

Davina S
5 min readNov 2, 2017


Photo by pixabay.com

After I ran my first marathon in Barcelona in March 2017, I said I’d never run one again. I’d completed my full marathon, I reached my goal — I didn’t need to go through that pain again, ha! Yet towards the end of 2017 I signed up for my second marathon on 25th February 2018, in Malta my current home.

My first marathon experience was disheartening. I’m very proud and glad that I finished it but I was not happy with my performance and I knew exactly why. I simply underestimated the 42km distance and the toll that it takes, not only on the body physically, but on the mind mentally. I was annoyed at myself for not taking it more seriously and dedicating enough time to train properly. I quickly learned my mistake through my misjudgement and lack of training.

“The moment you want to quit, this is the moment that you need to keep pushing yourself. Never give up.”

Less than two months after finishing the marathon in Barcelona, in April 2017, I flew over to Mallorca and completed the Sol Half Marathon Magaluf, beating my previous half marathon time by a full 15 minutes. I attribute that achievement to all the months of training I’d done for the full marathon. Since the race, I’ve continued training seriously and gone on to beat my 10k and 5k race PBs several times over.

I’ve spent the last several months building on my training progression, improving my running technique, adopting a healthier lifestyle (including turning vegan) and generally strengthening my fitness in preparation for the inevitable… my next marathon.

The start of the Barcelona marathon 2017. © Davina Spriggs.

Why did I choose to run another marathon?

Marathon addiction

Yes I admit it, I’m addicted to the adrenaline rush you get from completing a marathon, or even the reaction you get from others when you tell them you’re doing it. Like many other marathon runners, during the race (and immediately after the finish) I swore I’d never put myself through that pain again. But of course, you know secretly in the back of your mind that you will sign up again. Because it DID become slightly addictive, that feeling of euphoria and great accomplishment.

I owe it to myself

I’m determined to reach my goal time or at least get as close to it as possible. It’s a personal achievement. Knowing that I’ve already run it means I know I can do it again, and better. My first marathon was extremely difficult, when I thought I couldn’t carry on, I somehow forced myself to keep going, there was no way I was going to give up. Persistence and sheer determination is what got me over that finish line.

“When I thought I couldn’t carry on, I forced myself to keep going, persistence and sheer determination is what got me over that finish line.”

Better fitness levels

I am much fitter and better prepared for running a marathon this time having trained a lot more seriously. I am mentally prepared for the distance as well as knowing the level of physical suffering it will cause my body. I know what to expect and I know the telltale pain signs to look out for. This time there is less getting in my way.

It’s at “home”

I’m running the 2018 Vodafone Malta marathon, here on this little island that I currently call home. It means more to me to run it here than anywhere else. I know the roads, I’m familiar with the route having run the half marathon here back in 2015, and nothing feels better than completing a race in my home country.

Running community

There is an amazing running community here in Malta, it is a small island and it’s easy to get to know other runners when you compete in the regular races held each weekend here. Knowing other people who will be taking part (or cheering at the finish line) gives me the extra motivation I really need.

My running bib for the Barcelona marathon 2017. © Davina Spriggs.

Final word

In preparation, and to give myself something extra to train towards, I’ve just signed up to run another half marathon in Vienna, Austria in November 2017 (a few weeks from now!). This will be my third half marathon and if I can beat my previous time even by a few minutes I’ll be happy. I feel much better trained and prepared ahead of my next marathon, and I’m not one to give up. I’m confident this time that I can achieve something much closer to my goal time and that I can be proud of. And even if I don’t, it’s still a marathon, if I complete it, it’s still a huge accomplishment!

**Update: since writing this post I completed the LCC Leopoldilauf half marathon in Vienna on the 19th November 2017. At a time of 01:46:57 which beat my previous half marathon time by over 6 minutes! **

My medal from the half marathon in Vienna, November 2017. © Davina Spriggs.

How was your first marathon experience? Or are you about to run your first? Or second? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Read my top 10 tips on running your first marathon.

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Davina lives on the Mediterranean island of Malta where she works as a UX designer. Originally from the UK she has also lived in Barcelona. See some of her work here: www.davinaspriggs.com



Davina S

UX product designer, creative artist, PT, vegan health coach & marathon runner. Sharing posts about my 2 passions - design & fitness.