Dinesh Jaiswal
3 min readJan 29, 2015

2015: The Year of Adoption of HTML5

For the last time, it was in the year 1999 and then after a long gap of around 15 years in 2014 we got the next standard of HTML. 5 releases in 25 years can appear to be a slow progress in web technology for many people, when compared to other software releases. If we look at the releases prior to HTML5 they were not so slow, but HTML5 took really a long time to come. The reason behind it was the two standard bodies that define its existence. First is the W3C which focuses on the snapshot standard and the other WHATWG which place the living standard above everything else. So the wide differences in general objectives took a long time to settle down. But the end product i.e. HTML5 is completely amazing.

When HTML5 was launched on 28th October 2014, it got mixed reactions from developers, designers and users around the world. After struggling for many months, this new web-standard has finally started getting acceptance from the web community. But all these things cannot undermine the importance of HTML5 which plays a very key role in this industry. It is the only cross-platform technology or more aptly a standard, which is managed and evolved by such a varied open-source community of web developers, designers, analysts, and users.

HTML5 - The future of web industry

Adoption of this standard is the next milestone to be achieved. Already a number of developers have started making use of this technology to create web applications that are future ready. 2015 can turn out to be the year of adoption for HTML5. The below-mentioned facts prove why this is gonna happen:

  • Consistency: HTML5 assures that all the people in this web industry have a standard on which they need to work. This will ensure that a uniformity remains in the work done by any web designer and developer across the world. Consistency can turn out be a major factor for the worldwide acceptance of HTML5.
  • Interoperability: Today, the desktops and laptops are not the only places where web applications will run. Mobile and tablets are the next addition to it. HTML5 promises to work efficiently on a number of browsers and devices, therefore, ensuring interoperability.
  • Patent Assurance: HTML5 offers patent protection to users which is a very great step. The patent policy, which came along with the finalization of the standard, provides a better guarantee to designers and developers.
  • Development platforms relying on HTML5: Many popular mobile app platforms are using HTML5 for developing applications. Apart from this, a large percentage of applications and development tools that focuses on cross-platform capability are using HTML5. When a technology can be used for back-end, there are chances developers will place it in front of the users too.
  • Hybrid applications are gaining popularity: With the release of Android L and iOS 8, and other web view components that supports HTML5, there seems to be a golden chance for hybrid apps to grow in popularity. Previously the web views were inferior which resulted in the development of low-grade hybrid apps. But today, the condition is much better and we expect to see developers using HTML5 majorly to create these hybrid apps.

Midst range of devices, platforms, browsers and screen sizes, HTML5 appear to be a binding element. HTML5 helps you save development time and allows you to provide an amazing user experience across laptops, tablets, phones, and other devices. 2015 will undoubtedly be a significant time for HTML5.

Davin Russell is a marketing professional working with Nethues Technologies, a web design and development company offering outsourcing solutions to its clients in UK and USA. He has the leading spirit; he burgeons on challenges, particularly those that expand the company’s reach. He loves to read and write about latest web design trends and web technologies. Contributing on different blogs aids him spreading the words online with a new set of readers.

Dinesh Jaiswal

Marketing Manager at Nethues Technologies Pvt. Ltd. — reachable at info@nethues.com