Apache Camel explained to Luke Skywalker

Claus Ibsen
3 min readJan 11, 2019


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …
there was a a young boy, whom went to
his first audition

What a story.

So Mark Hamill is addressed as Mr Camel. What an honour to have him in our Camel family and to be known as the first Mr Camel. The 2nd Mr Camel is our spirit animal for the Apache Camel project.

Okay back to Luke Skywalker, so his tweet lead to people talking about Camel’s and I was then brought into the conversation whether Mark’s audition story was my inspiration for Apache Camel, which again lead to Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) asking what Apache Camel is:

I must say I have never seen the day, where Luke Skywalker would ask me what Apache Camel is 😃 — I am a great fan of Star Wars and yes I am so old that I favour the first 3 classic movies.

Explaining what Apache Camel is to Luke Skywalker

At first though you may think that Apache Camel is a new model of the 4-legged walker with or without humps 🙃 … but it is NOT

Instead let us ask the most wise man in the universe, Yoda, for the answer:

“Software that enables you to do integrations between other softwares, it is.” — Yoda

And in my humble words …

“What the force telekinesis does for universal Jedi connection … the Apache Camel does for universal computer integration …. mindblow powers they are” — DavsClaus

And here is another great explanation from Matthew what Apache Camel is:

Has Luke Skywalker used Apache Camel?

Yes Mark you would unknowingly have used Apache Camel. Here is why.

Apache Camel is a software project that has been around for over a decade. And its a very succesfull project and are thus widespread in use across all industries, enterprises, government institutions, and used in all parts of our planet.

In the US, for example, the FAA uses Camel in their services for air-traffic control. So anyone whom has been traveling by plane in the US airspace (covers 15% of the planet) would have used Camel.

Camel is also ubiquitous used among banking and finance enterprises, so any US citizen whom has done bank transfers, credit card transactions etc would at one point have the banking systems exchange data via software with Camel included.

If you are a Netflix subscriber then their payment system is using Camel as well. If you have a parcel delivery by brown-trucks (UPS) then Camel is helping with the track and trace.


Thank you Mark Hamill for asking me what Apache Camel is. I have been working on Apache Camel for more than 10 years and I still not able to explain it to the common man in a few words. Even trying to explain it to my peers in the IT industry is failing, evident by my last book is a staggering 900 page monster 🙃

May the force be with you

Originally published at www.davsclaus.com on January 11, 2019.



Claus Ibsen

Works for Red Hat on the open source integration project Apache Camel. Author of Camel in Action books. Java Champion. ASF member. International speaker.