Setting up Node.Js using Homebrew

6 min readJun 4, 2024


Hi Folks ! Today’s we’re gonna learn how to set up or installing node.js using the homebrew. The step is simple and easy to learn. Even you’re new to node.js

But before we jump in into the Node.Js, you’re maybe wondering. What is Node.Js stand for ?

Node.Js or Node Javascript is JavaScript framework for using server-side runtime environment, which allows developers to create scalable and high-performance applications.

So, let’s jump in.

Step 1 : Turn on your windows or laptop

Well, what you gonna do if your windows or laptop not turned on ?

Turn on the laptop and wait until it finish booting your program

Step 2 : Open Terminal / Shell on your windows

Simply just click Command (for Mac) or Windows (for Windows) to open your Terminal. Then type “Terminal” or “Shell” (But, i prefer Terminal for easy use)

Nb : If it’s different from your windows. Its normal. I just customize it.

Step 3 : Open website and search homebrew

Now, open your default browser and search Homebrew. Copy the first command you found there

Its under the Install Homebrew, Folks.

Step 4 : Install homebrew in your terminal

Copy it in your Terminal and just wait. (If your windows have a password, just put it down. Its very safe)

Step 5 : Install the platform you like

There is many platform out there but we use the most used platform, Visual Studio Code. Go there and download the platform.

Step 6 : Install node.js for homebrew

For the next step, write it down on your search engine browser “Node.Js for Homebrew”. And just like before, copy and put it down in your terminal. Wait until it finish and done. You’re ready to do some basic Node.Js code

Step 7 : Starting to Code

Before starting to code, make directory project file. So you know where it located. After that open your visual studio code. Your new VSCode will be like this.

Now in the side bar to the left. There are many options. Select the Extension (5th icons from the top) to download the ES6 JavaScript. For you who dont know ES6 JavaScript, ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 is the sixth version of ECMAScript and is a major update to JavaScript. ES6 introduces many new features that make JavaScript more powerful and easy to use.

Write down in the search on the extension “Javascript” and download the extension like this picture below.

You will notice there are no install option on 1st, 2nd, and 4th. That’s are the extension you will download

After that, dont forget to install Live Share (Its for easy to share to anyone who also used VSCode) and Thunder Client (Its for running your JS Code in ease)

Now, move on to the main menu or the Explorer. Make sure you’re in the correct directory file you already made before. After that create a new folder in VSCode with the name src

The new Folder is the 2nd icon.

After that, open new terminal in VSCode and write

npm init

There will be output like this.

In this section, just skip it (Press Enter) except the description and author. Write it whatever you like, but for easy build in the future, just put it the normal description. Wait for a few second and after that you will notice a new package.json in your directory file.

For the simple JavaScript code syntax, we will learn let and const first. ES6 introduces two new ways to declare variables: let and const .

  • let is used to declare variables whose values can be changed.
  • const is used to declare variables whose values can’t be changed

Now in the src folder, add a new file named index.js , open it and write down code like this :

let name = "Daniel"
let age = "20"

name = "John"

console.log("My name is " + name)
console.log("My age is " + age)

In your terminal, write down node src/index.js and your output will be like this:

It’s running very well

If you notice the output variable name is “John” instead of “Daniel”. Meanwhile the variable age is still the same. It’s because the name is defined with let to declare the variable that values can be changed. So the values of variable name is changed into “John”.

Now delete all code in the index.js and put some new code :

const food = "Pizza"
food = "BBQ"

console.log("My Favorite food is " + food)

Same like before, in your terminal write down node src/index.js and your output will be like this.

It’s basically error folks

Whoaaa, why there is an error ? . Yeah, the error is because the variable food is declared with const so it values can’t be changed. And instead put an error in the terminal. So you’ll know if variable food has value in it.

Step 8 : Evaluate your code

Now lets break down the code one by one:

  • let is used to declared the variable that can be changed. This variable will be good for basic or simple project. But if it’s used in complex project, it will be a problem. Because the value inside the variable can be changed and can ruin the project.
  • const is used to declared the variable that can’t be changed. This function will be recommended function. It’s because the value can’t be changed and the project will run without an issue. So, you’ll know if a particular variable has been used.
  • console.log is used to print the output that we already write down. We also use double quotes (“ ”) or quote (‘ ’). Its for add new text for easy to read.


1 We already learn the basic JavaSript for beginner using the HomeBrew. We also using the simple ES6 ways to declare variable, let and const . Which is let is used to declared variable that can be changed and const is used to declared variable that can’t be changed. const will be recommended because its good for project, either simple or complex one.

