Embracing Personal Development: Unleashing the Power Within for Business Success

Dawna Strohl - Strohl With Me
5 min readJun 28, 2023


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Let’s talk personal development. You know, that thing we tend to forget about while we’re busy chasing our professional dreams? Well, surprise, surprise! It turns out personal growth and self-improvement are pretty darn important for us entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Get ready, peeps, we’re gonna dive deep into how personal development can shape our business success. Let’s discover the keys to self-awareness, confidence, connection, discernment, letting go, self-love, and an abundance mindset. It’s time to unleash the hidden powers within us and conquer the world!

Self-awareness and Intimacy: The Gateway to Authentic Leadership

If you want to be the real deal, it all starts with self-awareness. Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, and values is like having a secret weapon. Embrace that self-awareness, and you’ll forge deep connections with your team, clients, and stakeholders. We’re talking about intimacy in business, people! Open communication, active listening, and genuine empathy are your superpowers. Build a culture of trust and collaboration, and watch productivity and innovation skyrocket!

Embracing Identity and Confidence: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Hey, you! Yeah, you! It’s time to unleash your inner awesomeness! Embrace your unique qualities, talents, and passions, and let ’em shine in your business. Confidence, my friends, is the name of the game. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and you’ll radiate credibility like nobody’s business.

Need a boost? Invest in personal development. Go to workshops, seek mentorship, and watch your identity flourish.

Finding Connection to a Higher Power: The Guiding Force in Business

Alright, brace yourselves for a spiritual twist. Turns out, some successful entrepreneurs credit a higher power for their achievements.

Whether it’s meditation, prayer, or some other personal spiritual practice (you do you), connecting to something greater helps to bring clarity and guidance. It’s like having a secret weapon in your pocket. This connection fuels your decision-making, gives you strength in tough times, and infuses your business with meaning. Embrace it, my friends, and let the universe (giant galactic turtle, flying spaghetti monster, or whatever serves you best) help guide your path!

Discernment of Self: Unlocking Potential Through Observation

Listen up. Do you really want to unlock your true potential? It’s time to observe yourself like a hawk. Develop your discernment skills and spot those pesky patterns and habits that hold you back. Recognize your limitations, break free from self-imposed barriers, and make choices aligned with your goals.

As badass business leaders, discernment helps us adapt, make better decisions, and foster a culture of constant improvement. It’s time to level up and kick ass!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Letting Go and Surrendering: Liberating Your Business from the Past

The past can be a real pain in the, well, everything if we’re being totally honest here. We’ve all had our fair share of failures, regrets, and disappointments. But guess what? It’s time to let that baggage go.

Surrender to the present moment, my friends. Free yourself from the chains of past mistakes and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Adopt a growth mindset, learn from your experiences, and create an environment that screams innovation, resilience, and adaptability. Your business deserves a fresh start (as do you)!

Giving Yourself Love and Compassion: Fuel for Success

In the crazy hustle and bustle of the business world, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Well, peeps, it’s time to show ourselves some damn love!

Take a break, indulge in self-care activities, and recharge your energy. Exercise, meditate, find a hobby — do whatever makes your soul happy. When you prioritize self-love, you become a focused, resilient, and empathetic leader. Set an example for others and spread the love, people!

Abundance Behavior and Mindset: Unlocking the Wealth Within

It’s time to talk abundance! Say goodbye to scarcity and limitations, and open your minds to infinite possibilities. Embrace an abundance mindset and watch the magic happen. Collaboration, innovation, and calculated risks become your new best friends. Show some gratitude, be generous, and collaborate like a pro.

These behaviors attract abundance into your life and business. Get ready to tap into the wealth of resources, connections, and ideas all around you. The world is your oyster!

Tying It All Together

Alright, let’s wrap this up, my awesome peeps! Personal development is no joke — it’s the path to fulfillment, success, and happiness in both business and life.

Embrace self-awareness, confidence, connection, discernment, letting go, self-love, and an abundance mindset. Unleash the power within you and pave the way for growth and prosperity. Remember, be kind to yourself, celebrate your progress, and support others along the way.

You Ask, I Answer:

  1. How can personal development positively impact my business?
    Listen up, business folks! Personal development is like a secret weapon for success. It enhances your leadership skills, fosters authentic connections, boosts self-confidence, and nurtures a kick-ass growth mindset. And guess what? All that awesomeness leads to better decision-making, productivity, innovation, and overall success in business. Who doesn’t want a piece of that cake?
  2. Can personal development practices help overcome challenges in the business world?
    Hell yeah! Personal development equips you with resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It’s like having a superhero cape in your back pocket. Embrace self-awareness, let go of the past, and rock that abundance mindset. You’ll navigate challenges like a boss and turn ’em into opportunities for growth. Ain’t no challenge too tough for you!
  3. Is personal development a continuous process?
    You bet your sweet buns it is! Personal development is a lifelong journey, my friends. As you grow and evolve, new challenges and opportunities pop up like mushrooms. So buckle up and commit to continuous learning, self-reflection, and improvement. It’s time to unlock your full potential and kick some serious business butt!

You can find me almost EVERYWHERE (not all platforms are treated equally though):
FB: @dawna.strohl / FB Group: @marktersoasis



Dawna Strohl - Strohl With Me

GenX Woman, Mother to many, Entrepreneur, Graphics Monkey, Publisher, Knowledge Seeker, Canadian living in the USA. Helping people succeed is my passion.