Success is Simple if You Follow the System

Dawna Strohl - Strohl With Me
6 min readJul 10, 2023


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hey there, peeps! Let’s talk about something exciting today: SUCCESS!

We all want to achieve it, right? Whether it’s creating a 6-figure (or more) business, finding happiness in relationships, nailing that dream job, or reaching personal milestones, success is the name of the game. But guess what? It’s simpler than you think! All you need to do is follow the system.

Understanding Success and Systems

Alright, let’s break it down. Success is all about accomplishing what you set out to do. Sounds simple, right? It’s like scoring a winning goal or acing that difficult test. And you know what? You can make success happen in any area of your life!

But here’s the deal: success loves company, and that’s where systems come into play. A system is like your trusty guidebook, showing you the path to victory. When you combine success and a system, you’re basically unstoppable!

The Awesome Benefits of Having a System

Oh, the wonders of having a system! It’s like having a secret engine that propels you towards your goals. Let me tell you why having a system is the bee’s knees (that’s right, I said it. No shame in my nerd game).

  • First off, it brings clarity and direction to your journey. No more wandering aimlessly!
  • Secondly, it boosts your productivity by helping you focus on what truly matters. Time to kick those distractions to the curb! (Squirrel!)
  • Thirdly, a system promotes consistency. It’s like building a habit muscle that flexes daily, taking you closer to success.
  • And last but not least, a system lets you track your progress, make adjustments, and keep your eyes on the prize. It’s a game-changer.
Image by PIRO from Pixabay

Components of a Rock-Solid System

Alright, let’s get down to business and uncover the components of a rock-solid system. These babies will be your secret weapons on the road to success. Are you ready? Here they are:

Clear Goals: The North Star of Success

Picture this: you’re embarking on a grand adventure, but you have no idea where you’re headed. Sounds crazy, right? That’s why setting clear goals is crucial! Define what you want to achieve and make those goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Your goals will be like a shining North Star, guiding you towards success.

Actionable Plans: Let’s Get Down to Business

Now that you have your goals locked and loaded, it’s time to create actionable plans. Break down your big goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Think of them as bite-sized pieces of success that you can tackle with gusto. Oh, and don’t forget to set deadlines and create a timeline (as someone who is deadline driven, this is vital to me). You’ll be rocking and rolling in no time!

Consistent Habits: Making Magic Happen Every Day

Consistency is the magic ingredient. It’s like sprinkling a little magic dust on your journey to success. Develop consistent habits that align with your goals. Whether it’s practicing daily, networking like a boss, or dedicating time to learn and grow, these habits will become the building blocks of your success. Remember, every small action counts!

Tracking Progress: Adjusting the Sails

Ahoy, captain! It’s time to navigate your ship towards success. Regularly track your progress to see how far you’ve come. Celebrate those wins, no matter how small! And if you encounter stormy seas or face unexpected challenges, don’t freak out, just adjust your sails. Adapt your plans, learn from your experiences, and keep sailing towards that glorious horizon of success.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Overcoming Challenges: You’re a Warrior!

Let’s face it, the path to success isn’t always smooth sailing. But that’s ok because you’re a warrior, ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Embrace those obstacles as opportunities for growth. Seek guidance from mentors or find support from like-minded individuals. Remember, setbacks are just temporary roadblocks on your epic journey. Keep that positive spirit alive and keep pushing forward!

The Power of Discipline and Perseverance: You’ve Got This!

You know what separates the champions from the crowd? It’s discipline and perseverance. Stay committed to your goals, even when things get tough. Make conscious choices that align with your dreams. Say no to distractions and embrace the power of focus. And when the going gets rough, tap into that well of perseverance within you. Keep hustling, keep believing, and success will be within your reach. And don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way! Can’t water a garden with a dry well.

Success Stories: Real People, Real Triumphs

Who doesn’t love a good success story? These tales of triumph inspire us, motivate us, and show us that success is within our grasp. Real people, just like you and me, have followed the system and achieved incredible things. Seek out those success stories. Not to compare yourself to them, but to learn from their experiences, gain valuable insights, and apply them to your own journey. Remember, if they can do it, so can you!

It’s Your Time to Shine

You’ve got the roadmap. You’ve got the tools. Now, it’s time to put everything into action.

Success is simple if you follow the system. Set those clear goals, create actionable plans, develop consistent habits, track your progress, and overcome any challenges that come your way. With discipline, perseverance, and a dash of inspiration from success stories, you’re unstoppable.

It’s your time to shine, fellow blue marble inhabitant. Go out there and make those dreams a reality!

FAQs: You Asked, I Answered!

  1. Can I achieve success without following a system?
    Well, my friend, success can come in different shapes and sizes. But trust me, following a system gives you that extra edge and increases your chances of reaching your goals. So why not give it a try?
  2. How do I stay motivated while following a system for success?
    Motivation is key! Stay focused by reminding yourself of your clear goals and celebrating even the smallest victories. Surround yourself with positive influences, seek inspiration from success stories, and keep that fire burning within you.
  3. Can I personalize the system for success to fit my own preferences?
    Absolutely! The beauty of a system is its flexibility. Tailor it to your unique strengths, preferences, and goals. It’s like adding your own special touch to the recipe for success.
  4. How long will it take to achieve success by following a system?
    The timeline for success varies for each individual. It depends on factors like the complexity of your goals, the effort you put in, and external circumstances. Remember, success is a journey, not a sprint. Embrace the process, stay patient, and keep taking those small steps forward.

You can find me almost EVERYWHERE (not all platforms are treated equally though):
FB: @dawna.strohl / FB Group: @marktersoasis

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Dawna Strohl - Strohl With Me

GenX Woman, Mother to many, Entrepreneur, Graphics Monkey, Publisher, Knowledge Seeker, Canadian living in the USA. Helping people succeed is my passion.