Want a happier Sunday? Do these 7 things on Saturday

Dawn Davis
4 min readSep 16, 2019


Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

It’s noon on Sunday and you’re already starting to think about heading back to work on Monday. And you’re wondering how you didn’t have any time to just enjoy yourself.

Here are seven basic things to take care of on Saturday (or another day off you may have), to set yourself up for an enjoyable, relaxing Sunday. You’ll be as prepared as you can possibly be for the week ahead, even if some unexpected time sucks get thrown your way:

1. Look at your calendar

What’s coming up next week? Do the kids need cupcakes for school? Do you have meetings you need to prep for? Do you need to make a call to the insurance company? Pencil these things into open blocks of time. Write the phone number & policy number for the insurance call in your calendar or add it to your mobile calendar or notes so you have it all together when it’s time to make the call.

2. Look in your fridge and pantry

Do you have the time (and the cake mix & frosting on hand) to make those cupcakes or will you need to plan some extra time to or from work to swing into the grocery store or bakery? Do you have enough of your breakfast and lunch staples on hand to get you through to Friday? And while making meals this weekend, are there some items or dishes you can prepare ahead of time to save time and money (from last minute eating out) during the week?

3. Look in your closets

Do you have enough clean, appropriate clothes for the next five days? Do the kids have school uniforms or sports jerseys that need washing for practice or an upcoming game? Get the wash going while you’re doing meal prep or working on mail and email or making cupcakes.

4. Look at your gas gauge or check your transit pass

Do you have enough gas to get you where you need to go next week? If your transit pass is not on auto-load from your bank account, check it today and add value online. Mark the date for the next re-load on your calendar.

5. Look in your wallet

Check your calendar again. Are you going to be anywhere next week where you’ll need to hand someone cash? Do the kids need some pocket money for lunch, snacks or a school activity? Plan to swing by the ATM or remember to ask for cash back when you pay for your groceries.

6. Look at your mail and email box(es)

If you don’t do this daily, take a few moments to sort through what came in, keep what is necessary and toss the junk. Are any payments due? Make them or mark them on your calendar. In email, trash any spam, junk or any other items that aren’t actionable. Check for any email relevant to the upcoming week and make notes of any to-do’s on your calendar and block time for any mail requiring thoughtful replies. Decide to spend a maximum of 30 minutes on this. This will help keep you focused to complete this task and move on to other things, like folding what just came out of the dryer.

7. Plan a Sunday activity

Plan a simple, fun activity with family or friends, like a hike, picnic in the park or a trip to a museum, or maybe you prefer some alone time for yourself to read, go fishing or work on a project. With the preparations for the week ahead handled, your mind is at ease, allowing you to relax, be present and rejuvenate.


Make a commitment on Sundays to put away your electronic devices by 6 p.m. (or sooner, if you can) to give your eyes and brain a break from the electronics and to avoid receiving any email or messaging that might cause your brain to go into overload thinking about something you can’t do anything about until tomorrow anyway. This will help you have a relaxing evening, leading to a good nights sleep before you hit the ground running again on Monday morning. According to The Sleep Foundation, “If you’re among these nighttime technology-users, you may not realize the extent to which this can make it harder to settle down to sleep. But it can. The truth is, using electronic devices before bedtime can be physiologically and psychologically stimulating in ways that can adversely affect your sleep.”

How do you work toward happier Sundays? Or do you have challenges that make it difficult? Share them below.

Dawn Davis is a freelance writer, voice over and award-winning actor. She is also the host and producer of the Desert Lady Diaries podcast, a weekly conversation with women who’ve found their home in the Mojave desert. Contact Dawn for writing or voice over at: dawndavisvoiceover.com



Dawn Davis

Dawn Davis is a creative hyphenate. Freelance writer, voice talent, podcaster and award-winning actor. You can learn more about her at: dawnpdavis.com