team dawn: emotional intelligence

team dawn
2 min readMar 6, 2018


Jennifer Shepherd

Every morning as part of our short (~15mins) stand up we do a check-in to see how our minds are.

We ask for a number out of 10 for 3 categories:

  • general well-being
  • motivation
  • confidence

It will be interesting to view the graphs of these by the end of the project to spot patterns (we can predict a few!). It’s also a great way to start the day as we know how we are all approaching the tasks ahead and what might be impacting our behaviour. This helps us to take responsibility for our wellbeing and behaviour and requires communication, respect and courage from each of us.

This morning, for example, we were a mixed bag. Some were low overall (tiredness, transport issues etc) but remained high with confidence and motivation. We are all excited for a day of diagramming, set up and coding.

If I (Jennifer) had been predicting the numbers for my team-mates, I certainly would not have guessed some of the scores that were shared. Even just for today alone, it’s been an activity worth undertaking! We all knew where we stood and could frame the day from there onwards.

This evening the idea was floated that we do another check in later in the day to see if things change.

MORE data???

For now we’re sticking with daily so that I spend more time coding than prettifying graphs, but we’ll see what’s needed later in the week.



team dawn

creating a procedurally generated socio-genetic simulation.