Meadow’s Garden

Dawn Salois
8 min readFeb 25, 2022
Photo by Tjaako Minnema on Unsplash

Meadow woke up early on Saturday morning. She had gone out with friends the previous evening, but she had managed to get home to bed by midnight. Her friends all had husbands and children to get home to, so it wasn’t that difficult to do. She was the only one in her group of friends that lived alone, but she liked it that way.

She didn’t like to waste either of her weekend days sleeping late or feeling hungover. She liked to get up early and clean the house or work in her flower garden in the backyard. Then she felt like she had earned a leisurely afternoon and evening relaxing in the backyard or occasionally having friends over for dinner.

This morning she had decided to go out and work in her garden. She had to do some weeding and watering and she needed to mow the lawn today. She decided to get the garden weeded early while it was still shaded from the sun. Meadow worked efficiently, but still enjoyed the experience.

The last area of the garden she needed to work on was where she had planted several marigolds in memory of her father. He had died the previous winter and she had decided to plant something in his memory in the spring. She did some research and discovered that marigolds were a symbol of grief, despair, and mourning in the Victorian era. She also liked that they looked bright and cheerful even though they symbolized unhappy things.



Dawn Salois

Mother of a wonderful son. Writing is a relatively new passion of mine. I love to create my own images. Self-published author of Shadow and Flame.