How to Become a Flutter Developer — A Complete Roadmap (2024)

1 min readJun 9, 2024


Becoming a Flutter developer in 2024 involves mastering several key skills and following a structured learning path. Below is a comprehensive roadmap to guide you through this journey.

Step 1: Learn the (Dart )Programming Language

  1. Introduction to Dart:
  • Variables and data types
  • Control Flow Statements
  • Functions
  • Exception handling

2. Advanced Dart Concepts:

  • Class and Objects
  • Inheritance and Mixins
  • Generics
  • Asynchronous programming (Future, async, await)
  • Packages and libraries

2. Understand the Basic of Flutter

  1. Flutter Setup: Install Flutter SDK and set up your development environment ( Android Studio or VS Code). [ download for window: Link ]

2. Learn Flutter Basics:

  • Widgets ( Stateful and Stateless )
  • Basics UI elements like ( Buttons, Text, Image etc )
  • Layouts like (Rows, Columns, Containers and Lists etc )
  • Navigations and Routings ( setState and Inherited Widget)

3. State Managements Techniques

  • Bloc ( Business Logic Components )
  • Provider
  • Riverpd
  • Get X

4. Advanced UI Components

  • Custom widgets
  • Animations and Transitions
  • Responsive Design

5. Database and Storage

  • Firebase & Firestore
  • SQLite
  • Shared Preferences

6. Networking and API Integration

  • HTTP requests
  • JSON serialization/deserialization
  • Handling network errors

Recommended Resources

  • Online Courses:
  • Coursers: “Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter” by Google
  • Udemy: “Flutter & Dart — The Complete Guide” by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • Books :
  • “Flutter for Beginners” by Alessandro Biessek
  • “Flutter in Action” by Eric Windmill
  • Tutorials and Blogs: (official documentation)
  • Some YouTube Channels:
  • The Net Ninja [ Link ]
  • Fireship [ Link ]
  • Reso Coder [ Link ]

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