🎯Memory Management in .NET Core with Practical C# Examples🚀

Dayanand Thombare
16 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Memory management is a critical aspect of software development, ensuring efficient use of resources, enhancing performance, and preventing memory leaks. .NET Core, a cross-platform framework, introduces a sophisticated memory management model that leverages automatic garbage collection, among other features, to manage memory. This article explores the intricacies of memory management in .NET Core, complete with real-time use cases and C# examples to illuminate each concept in detail. Let’s embark on a journey through the realms of managed and unmanaged resources, the garbage collector’s workings, memory leaks, and how to detect and prevent them.

🧠 Understanding Managed vs. Unmanaged Resources

In .NET Core, memory is categorized into managed and unmanaged resources. Managed resources are those that the .NET runtime has direct control over, while unmanaged resources are outside its purview, often direct calls to system resources.

Problem Statement: Accessing a file system

Solution: Using System.IO for Managed Resources

using System.IO;

class FileManager {
public void ReadFile() {
// Managed resource: FileStream is managed by .NET runtime
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("file.txt", FileMode.Open)) {
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
UTF8Encoding temp = new UTF8Encoding(true);

while (fs.Read(b,0,b.Length) > 0) {

In the above example, FileStream is a managed resource, automatically cleaned up by the garbage collector (GC) when it's no longer in use, provided we use it within a using statement or explicitly call Dispose().

Problem Statement: Interacting with a Windows API

Solution: Using P/Invoke for Unmanaged Resources

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class WindowsInterop {
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr MessageBox(int hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);

public void ShowMessage() {
// Unmanaged resource: A call to an external Windows function
MessageBox(0, "Hello, World!", "Message Box", 0);

This example demonstrates using unmanaged resources, where MessageBox from user32.dll is invoked directly, bypassing .NET's memory management. It's crucial to manage such resources carefully to avoid leaks.

🚮 Garbage Collection in .NET Core

.NET Core’s garbage collector (GC) is a mark-and-sweep collector, optimizing memory usage by reclaiming memory occupied by objects no longer in use.

Generational Garbage Collection

Objects in .NET Core are categorized into three generations (0, 1, and 2), facilitating efficient memory management by prioritizing the collection of younger objects, which are more likely to be short-lived.

Real-time Use Case: Optimizing Memory Allocation in a Web Application

class UserDataCache {
private Dictionary<Guid, string> _cache = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

public void AddUserData(Guid userId, string data) {
_cache.Add(userId, data);
// Force a collection in Generation 0

Here, forcing a GC in generation 0 after adding data to a cache might seem like a way to optimize memory, but it’s generally not recommended due to potential performance impacts. It’s better to let the GC operate on its schedule.

The .NET GC is a tracing garbage collector. It monitors your application’s object usage to free up unused memory.

// GC will collect this object once it goes out of scope
LargeObject large = new LargeObject();

Here the LargeObject is eligible for garbage collection after the scope ends. The GC frees up the memory allocated to it.

🗑 Generations

The GC organizes memory into generations based on object age:

  • Generation 0: Newest objects
  • Generation 1: Survived a GC
  • Generation 2: Survived multiple GCs

The higher generations get collected less frequently than lower ones.

Generations of Objects 👶👦👴

The GC segments objects in memory into three generations based on their age:

Gen 0

  • Youngest objects that have short lifespans
  • Frequent and fast garbage collections
  • Objects can be promoted to Gen 1

Gen 1

  • Slightly older objects with longer lifespans
  • Less frequent garbage collection
  • Objects can be promoted to Gen 2

Gen 2

  • Oldest objects with longer lifespans
  • Infrequent garbage collection
  • Objects remain here until collected

This generational model allows the GC to be more efficient by focusing on areas where dead objects are more likely to be found.

GC Roots 🧭

The GC uses GC roots as starting points to find reachable objects. Objects that are not reachable from the roots are considered dead and can be garbage collected.

Some common GC roots include:

  • Static fields
  • Local variables
  • Items on the stack
  • CPU registers

Any object reachable from a root will be scanned and marked as live during garbage collection.

Garbage Collection Modes 🗑

There are two main GC modes in .NET Core:

Workstation GC

Optimized for responsiveness

  • Runs on a dedicated thread
  • Uses multiple GC heaps
  • Low latency but higher memory usage

Server GC

Optimized for throughput

  • Runs on multiple dedicated threads
  • Single GC heap
  • Higher latency but lower memory usage

The GC mode can be configured based on your application’s requirements.

Managing Garbage Collection 🧹

As a developer, you have some control over the GC behavior:

  • GC.Collect() - Manually trigger a GC cycle
  • GC.GetTotalMemory() - Check allocated memory
  • Configure generation thresholds
  • Configure GC mode

But generally allow the GC to manage memory automatically.

Real-World Example ⚙️

Here is an example of inefficient memory usage that could lead to high GC pressure:

// Loading large bitmap images 
// in a loop without disposing them

foreach (var imageName in imageNames)

var bitmap = new Bitmap(imageName)
// Process image


The Bitmap objects are not disposed, so they remain in memory indefinitely.

The improved code disposes the bitmaps properly:

foreach (var imageName in imageNames) {

using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(imageName)) {
// Process image


Now the Bitmap objects can be garbage collected after each loop iteration.

🧹 Automatic memory management

The GC runs automatically on a background thread when one of the generations fills up:

static void Main() {

// Running this loop generates lots of temporary strings
for(int i=0; i<100000; i++) {
string s = i.ToString();

// GC will kick in automatically to clean up

This automatic process takes away the complex memory management from developers.

🫧 Garbage Collection Stats

We can see GC memory stats using the GC.GetTotalMemory() method:

long memory1 = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);

// do memory intensive work

long memory2 = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);

Console.WriteLine(memory2 - memory1); // GC memory difference

This helps give insights into how GC works during program execution.

🚯 Forcing Garbage Collection

We can force garbage collection by calling GC.Collect():

GC.Collect(); // forcibly clean up unused objects

However, this is usually not recommended as it interrupts normal program flow.

🗄 Reducing Garbage Collection

Too frequent GC can impact performance. Here are some tips to optimize:

  • Reuse objects instead of reconstructing
  • Avoid large object allocations
  • Call Dispose on disposable objects
  • Use Structs instead of classes where possible

Tuning Garbage Collection Performance

While garbage collection in .NET Core works automatically, there are ways developers can tune GC performance based on their specific workload. The goal is to minimize pauses caused by garbage collection while keeping memory usage under control.

Monitoring GC Behavior

The first step is monitoring how GC is currently behaving in your application:

  • Check for high Gen 2 heap size — indication of poor object lifespan management
  • Monitor GC heap allocation rate — how fast is memory being allocated
  • Look at time in GC — overall percentage of time spent collecting
  • Check frequency and duration of GC pauses

This data can be collected using profiling tools like dotTrace or PerfView.

GC Configuration Options

Some key configuration options to tune garbage collector performance:

Generation Sizes

The heap is divided into generations that can be sized based on need:

// Larger Gen 0 for short-lived objects
gcServer: {
heapSize: 1GB
gen0size: 100MB // Default 256KB

Garbage Collection Modes

Choose Workstation or Server GC based on application type.

Concurrent GC

Enables background garbage collection for Gen 2. Reduces pauses but uses more memory.

GC Latency Modes

Sets latency options like interactive (low latency) or low (low memory)

Optimization Best Practices

Some programming best practices to optimize memory usage:

  • Avoid large object allocations
  • Dispose objects promptly
  • Optimize object lifetimes
  • Use structs instead of classes where possible
  • Reduce object dependencies and references

Real-World Example

Let’s say a web application is experiencing frequent 2-second GC pauses causing lag in page response.

After profiling, we find:

  • High volume of short-lived objects in Gen 0
  • Frequent full GCs to promote objects

Some optimization options:

  • Increase size of Gen 0 to hold more short-lived objects
  • Enable concurrent GC to avoid full blocking GCs
  • Reduce object allocations and improve lifetimes

This can significantly reduce GC pauses and improve responsiveness.

Detecting and Avoiding Memory Leaks

Memory leaks in .NET Core can still occur, primarily due to references that prevent the GC from reclaiming memory.

Problem Statement: Subscriptions to Events

Solution: Explicit Unsubscription

public class EventPublisher {
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaiseCustomEvent;

public void DoSomething() {
// Trigger the event
OnRaiseCustomEvent(new EventArgs());

protected virtual void OnRaiseCustomEvent(EventArgs e) {
RaiseCustomEvent?.Invoke(this, e);

public class EventSubscriber {
private EventPublisher _publisher;

public EventSubscriber(EventPublisher publisher) {
_publisher = publisher;
_publisher.RaiseCustomEvent += HandleCustomEvent;

private void HandleCustomEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Event handling logic here

public void Unsubscribe() {
_publisher.RaiseCustomEvent -= HandleCustomEvent;

In this scenario, the EventSubscriber must explicitly unsubscribe from the EventPublisher's events to prevent a memory leak, as the publisher holds a reference to the subscriber, preventing its collection by the GC.

🛠 Tools for Memory Profiling

.NET Core provides several tools for memory profiling, including Visual Studio’s Diagnostic Tools, dotMemory, and the dotnet-trace CLI tool. These tools are invaluable for identifying memory leaks and understanding memory usage patterns.

Even with a solid understanding of memory management techniques, issues can still arise in your .NET Core applications. This section will explore tools and strategies for identifying and diagnosing memory-related problems.

  1. Visual Studio Diagnostic Tools: Visual Studio provides built-in tools for monitoring and analyzing memory usage, including the Diagnostic Tools window and the Performance Profiler. These tools can help identify memory leaks, high memory consumption, and inefficient memory use.


  1. Open your application in Visual Studio.
  2. Start debugging (F5) to launch the application.
  3. Open the Diagnostic Tools window (Debug > Windows > Diagnostic Tools).
  4. Observe the Memory Usage and .NET Object Allocation graphs to identify potential issues.
  5. Use the Performance Profiler (Debug > Performance Profiler) for a more in-depth analysis of memory allocation and garbage collection.
  6. dotMemory: dotMemory is a powerful, third-party memory profiling tool from JetBrains. It provides real-time insights into memory usage, object allocation, and garbage collection, making it easier to identify and resolve memory issues.


  1. Launch dotMemory and attach it to your running .NET Core application.
  2. Analyze memory usage, object allocation, and garbage collection statistics.
  3. Use the built-in analysis tools to identify potential memory leaks, high memory consumption, and inefficient memory use.
  4. Apply memory optimization strategies based on the analysis results.
  5. Analyzing memory dumps: Memory dumps provide a snapshot of an application’s memory state, which can be invaluable for diagnosing memory-related issues. In .NET Core, you can create memory dumps using the dotnet-dump command-line tool or by attaching a debugger like Visual Studio or WinDbg.


  1. Identify the process ID (PID) of your .NET Core application using Task Manager or the command dotnet — list.
  2. Create a memory dump using the command dotnet-dump collect -p <PID>.
  3. Analyze the memory dump using a tool like Visual Studio, WinDbg, or dotMemory.

By utilizing these profiling and diagnostic techniques, you can better understand the memory usage of your .NET Core applications, identify potential issues, and apply optimization strategies to improve performance and efficiency. Keep practicing and experimenting with these tools, and you’ll become a pro at diagnosing and resolving memory-related issues in .NET Core. 🔍💻

Advanced Memory Management Techniques in .NET Core

Beyond the basics, mastering advanced memory management techniques in .NET Core can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of your applications. Let’s delve deeper into concepts like memory pooling, large object heap (LOH) considerations, and the use of Span<T> and Memory<T> for managing memory more efficiently.

Memory Pooling

Memory pooling is a technique used to reduce the overhead of frequent allocations and deallocations of memory blocks, especially for high-throughput applications like web servers and database management systems.

Problem Statement: Reducing Allocation Overhead in High-Performance Applications

Solution: Using ArrayPool<T>

using System.Buffers;

class HighPerformanceDataProcessor {
public void ProcessData() {
var buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(1024); // Rent a buffer of 1024 bytes

try {
// Process data here
finally {
ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Return(buffer); // Return the buffer to the pool

In this example, ArrayPool<T> is used to rent and return byte arrays, significantly reducing the GC pressure in scenarios where arrays are frequently allocated and deallocated.

Large Object Heap (LOH) Complications

Objects larger than 85,000 bytes are allocated on the Large Object Heap (LOH) in .NET Core, which can lead to fragmentation and inefficient memory use.

Problem Statement: Minimizing LOH Fragmentation

Solution: LOH Threshold Considerations and ArrayPool<T>

For large data structures, consider breaking them into smaller chunks or using ArrayPool<T> for large arrays to avoid LOH allocations when possible.

Span<T> and Memory<T>: Modern Memory Management

Span<T> and Memory<T> are types introduced in .NET Core to provide safe and efficient memory access without the need for unsafe code. They are particularly useful for slicing arrays and working with buffers.

Real-time Use Case: Processing a Subset of an Array without Allocation

Solution: Using Span<T>

public void ProcessSubset(byte[] data) {
Span<byte> dataSpan = data.AsSpan().Slice(start: 10, length: 100);

// Process the subset here
// This operation does not allocate any additional memory

In this scenario, Span<T> allows for slicing and processing a subset of an array without additional allocations, enhancing performance, especially in scenarios involving large data processing or manipulation.

Detecting and Diagnosing Memory Issues

Detecting and diagnosing memory issues in .NET Core applications can be challenging. Tools like Visual Studio’s Diagnostic Tools, JetBrains dotMemory, and the .NET CLI’s dotnet-trace and dotnet-gcdump can help identify memory leaks and inefficient memory usage.

Using dotnet-gcdump to Capture and Analyze GC Heap

dotnet-gcdump collect -p <ProcessID>

This command creates a GC dump of the process, which can be analyzed to find memory leaks, understand object lifetimes, and optimize memory usage.

🏋️‍♂️ Applying Memory Pressure

We can deliberately apply memory pressure to observe GC behavior:

// Create list to store 1 million strings
var list = new List<string>();

// Add strings, forcing GC to run multiple times
for(var i=0; i<1000000; i++)

// Print memory stats every 10000 iterations
if(i % 10000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i}: {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)} bytes");

This allocates large strings rapidly, applying memory pressure to see when the GC kicks in.

🗃️ Using Structs

Structs directly allocate memory on the stack rather than the heap:

// Stack-allocated struct 
struct Point {
public int X;
public int Y;

// Heap-allocated class
class PointClass {
public int X;
public int Y;

var point = new Point(); // allocated on stack
var pointClass = new PointClass(); // allocated on heap

This makes structs more efficient than classes in some scenarios.

🚧 Pinning Objects

We can pin an object in memory using GCHandle:

LARGE_ARRAY largeArray = new LARGE_ARRAY(1000000);

// Pin array to prevent GC from moving it
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(largeArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);

// Use array...

handle. Free(); // Unpin

Pinning is useful when dealing with unmanaged resources.

🗑️ Generational Garbage Collection

The .NET GC uses a generational collection strategy based on object age:

var gen0 = new Object(); // Gen 0
var gen1 = new Object(); // Gen 0

// gen0 promoted to gen 1 after

var gen2 = new Object(); // Gen 0

// gen1 promoted to gen 2 after
// multiple GCs

New objects start in Gen 0, then move up to Gen 1 and 2 as they survive collections.


  • Focuses efforts on newer objects
  • Leverages tendency of objects to either die young or live long
  • Reduce overall GC overhead

Gen 0, 1, 2 Collection Frequency

  • Gen 0: Very frequent, after every few MBs allocated
  • Gen 1: Less frequent, after every GC of Gen 0
  • Gen 2: Rare, only when Gen 0 and 1 are full

🗄️ LOH and SOH

The heap is further divided into the large object heap (LOH) and small object heap (SOH):

  • LOH: For objects > 85,000 bytes
  • SOH: For objects < 85,000 bytes

Large objects are directly allocated on LOH. SOH is further split into generations.

👻 Phantom References

Phantom references allow detecting when an object is collected:

// Create phantom reference 
var obj = new Object();
PhantomReference phantomRef = new PhantomReference(obj, referenceQueue);

// Object is now only referenced by phantomRef
obj = null;

// GC collects obj eventually...

// ReferenceQueue gets notified when obj is collected

This allows executing cleanup logic when an object becomes unreachable.

🚚 Large Object Heap Compaction

The LOH can become fragmented over time. We can force compaction:

// Allocate and release large objects
for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
var large = new byte[100000];
large = null;

// Force compaction
GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode =

This defragments the LOH to optimize memory usage.

🗜️Heap Compression

We can enable heap compression to save memory:

// Compress heap
GCSettings.IsServerGC = true;
GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode =

// Allocate memory...

// Force compacting GC

👓 Object Pooling

Object pooling reduces allocations by reusing objects:

public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new() 
private Stack<T> objects = new Stack<T>();

public T GetObject()
if (objects.Count == 0)
return new T();

return objects.Pop();

public void ReturnObject(T obj)

// Usage:

var pool = new ObjectPool<MyClass>();

var obj = pool.GetObject();
// Use obj...

This avoids repeatedly constructing/destructing objects.

🗃️ Memory Mapped Files

We can map files to memory for efficient sharing:

using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(file))
using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor())
int size = mmf.CreateViewStream().Length;
byte[] array = new byte[size];
accessor.ReadArray(0, array, 0, size);

Memory mapped files are great for fast shared memory between processes.

🤝 Shared Memory

We can also directly allocate shared memory:

using (var sm = SharedMemory.Create("Name", 10000))
using (var stream = sm.CreateViewStream())
// Write to shared memory through stream

⚡ Benchmarking Allocations

We can diagnose allocation issues using BenchmarkDotNet:

public class MemoryBenchmark
public void AllocateObjects()
// Code that allocates lots of objects

This gives insights into allocation patterns and GC pressure.

🗑 Disposing Objects

Ensure to properly dispose disposable objects:

using (Resource res = new Resource())
// Use resource

// Or with a try-finally block

Resource res = new Resource();
try {
// use res
finally {

Optimizing Memory Usage in .NET Core with Real-world Practices

As we delve deeper into the advanced territories of .NET Core memory management, it’s crucial to integrate practices that address specific, real-world challenges. This section will explore how to harness the full potential of .NET Core’s memory management capabilities through practical optimization techniques, focusing on minimizing memory usage and improving application performance.

Efficient Use of Collections

Collections are fundamental to most applications, but their inefficient use can lead to significant memory overhead.

Problem Statement: Reducing Memory Footprint of Collections

Solution: Optimize Collections with System.Collections.Generic

var largeList = new List<int>(initialCapacity: 1000000);
for (int i = 0; i < largeList.Capacity; i++) {

By specifying an initial capacity, you can prevent the List<T> from resizing multiple times as it grows, which reduces the memory overhead and improves performance.

Understanding and Utilizing the Stack and Heap

.NET Core manages memory across the stack and heap. Understanding how and when to use stack vs. heap allocation can significantly affect your application’s performance and memory usage.

Real-time Use Case: Struct vs. Class for High-Performance Scenarios

Solution: Choosing struct for Value Types

public struct Point {
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }

public Point(int x, int y) {
X = x;
Y = y;

For small, immutable objects that are frequently created and destroyed, using a struct instead of a class can significantly reduce heap allocations, leveraging the stack for more efficient memory usage.

Memory Leaks and Finalization

A memory leak occurs when a program retains references to objects that are no longer needed, preventing the garbage collector from reclaiming their memory.

Problem Statement: Preventing Memory Leaks in Event Handlers

Solution: Weak Event Patterns

public class WeakEventPublisher {
private WeakReference<EventHandler> _eventHandler;

public void Subscribe(EventHandler handler) {
_eventHandler = new WeakReference<EventHandler>(handler);

public void Notify() {
if (_eventHandler.TryGetTarget(out EventHandler handler)) {
handler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

This example uses a WeakReference to hold a reference to the event handler, ensuring that the subscription does not prevent the subscriber from being garbage collected.

IDisposable and Finalizers

Implementing IDisposable correctly is crucial for managing the lifetime of unmanaged resources.

Real-time Use Case: Ensuring Unmanaged Resources Are Released

Solution: Implement IDisposable Pattern

public class UnmanagedResourceWrapper : IDisposable {
private IntPtr unmanagedResource;
private bool disposed = false;

public UnmanagedResourceWrapper() {
// Allocate the unmanaged resource

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (!disposed) {
if (disposing) {
// Dispose managed resources

// Free unmanaged resources
disposed = true;

public void Dispose() {

~UnmanagedResourceWrapper() {

This pattern ensures that all resources, both managed and unmanaged, are correctly cleaned up, preventing memory leaks and ensuring that resources are freed as soon as they are no longer needed.

Navigating further into the nuances of memory management in .NET Core requires a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice. In this final segment, we’ll explore cutting-edge strategies for memory optimization, the significance of understanding memory traffic, and how to leverage new features in .NET Core for state-of-the-art memory management. These insights are designed to arm developers with the tools needed to tackle complex memory management challenges in modern .NET Core applications.

Memory Traffic: The Silent Performance Killer

Memory traffic refers to the amount of data transferred between the CPU and memory. High memory traffic can significantly impact application performance due to the increased workload on the garbage collector (GC).

Problem Statement: Reducing Memory Traffic in High-Demand Applications

Solution: Pooling and Reusing Objects

One effective strategy to reduce memory traffic is the implementation of object pooling. This involves reusing objects from a “pool” instead of allocating and deallocating them, which can dramatically reduce GC pressure.

public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new() {
private readonly ConcurrentBag<T> _objects;
private int _counter = 0;
private int _maxCount;

public ObjectPool(int maxCount) {
_objects = new ConcurrentBag<T>();
_maxCount = maxCount;

public T GetObject() {
if (_objects.TryTake(out T item)) {
return item;
if (_counter < _maxCount) {
Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter);
return new T();

throw new InvalidOperationException("Pool limit reached.");

public void PutObject(T item) {
_objects. Add(item);

JIT Compilation and Memory Management

Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation can also affect memory usage, as the compiled code needs to be stored in memory. Advanced features like tiered compilation can help optimize this process.

Real-time Use Case: Optimizing JIT Compilation for Memory Efficiency

Solution: Enabling Tiered Compilation

Tiered compilation allows the runtime to compile methods in multiple tiers, which can optimize the balance between startup time and throughput. Enable tiered compilation in your .NET Core application’s project file:


Advanced Diagnostics and Memory Profiling

.NET Core offers advanced diagnostics tools and APIs that enable developers to dig deeper into memory usage and performance bottlenecks.

Leveraging dotnet-counters and dotnet-dump for Memory Analysis

Solution: Real-time Performance Monitoring and Memory Dump Analysis

# Start monitoring performance counters
dotnet-counters monitor --process-id <PID> System.Runtime

Use dotnet-counters for real-time performance monitoring. For more in-depth analysis, capture a memory dump with dotnet-dump:

# Capture a memory dump
dotnet-dump collect --process-id <PID>

Key Takeaways

  • The GC automatically handles object allocation and cleanup
  • Generations and segmenting optimize collection
  • Techniques like pooling and structs reduce allocations
  • Tools like memory diagnostics and dispose help manage resources

Closing Thoughts

Advanced memory management in .NET Core involves a comprehensive understanding of how memory works in managed environments, along with the tools and practices to diagnose, optimize, and control memory usage. By applying these advanced techniques and principles, developers can build highly efficient, scalable, and robust .NET Core applications. Remember, the key to mastering memory management is continuous learning, experimentation, and profiling to understand your application’s specific needs and behaviors. Happy coding! 🚀

Thank you for exploring this topic with me!

