Wearing Apple earphones sideways will change your life

3 min readFeb 24, 2019
Wearing a left Apple earphone in my right ear

I found myself subconsciously doing it; putting Apple’s earphones the opposite way. When I’d reach for the remote to adjust the volume, I’d get lost figuring out which side it was.

This morning, I did it again and then I decided to keep the ear phones the way they were; sideways (switching their normal left and right position)

I put them on my ears and switched sides a few times to test which way the music would sound better.

It turns out that switching the left to the right and the right to the left results in better and louder sound.

Take a closer look and you will see that there are two openings to where the sound comes from; one in the pointy edge where it’s supposed to go into your ear canal and one on the side of them.

photo by dayenjoyer

Placing the earphone so that you’re listening to the music from the side opening results in a drastically better sound and a higher overall volume giving you more stereo and dynamic sound.

Another thing I learned is that they stay securely put on your ears and don’t fall or wiggle; they are even more stable sitting on the shape of your…

