You can not control change, you can only embrace it.

3 min readSep 9, 2017
Regent’s Canal London 📷 dayenjoyer

A good friend of mine just got divorced a week ago.

He called me in shock and said “I didn’t see this coming, as if she snapped her fingers out of loving me.

Yesterday he texted “pray for me as hurricane Erma is approaching and I am fleeing Florida”

One day he was happily married, with a great job, family, wife, house and the next he’s running for his life.


A slightly similar incident happened to me a few minutes ago.

I placed the coffee onto the small little table by my side, when I lifted it the coaster got stuck to the base of the mug.

You know what I did?

I accepted such fact, didn’t detach the coaster and had a sip.

You know how it tasted?

Hot and fresh with a twist.

Me deciding to accept the situation after it has been altered has come to benefit me in a way.

Everybody drinks coffee but not everybody drinks coffee with an attached coaster.

Because I allowed myself for so many changes to happen in mylife, many times involuntary, I am now ok with any change that comes my way.

