Charada Cuba: a little history

Dayana Martí Domínguez
3 min readJul 23, 2022


The first 36 meanings of the Chinese charada were used to create the list of 100 digits known as charada in Cuba. With connotations drawn from Cuban history and imagination, the remaining numerals form a living body.

Charada Cubana or Bolita is one of the most well-liked lottery games in Cuba. Despite the fact that some people prefer to lightly wager on numbers, the majority of people select mystical or surreal experiences that they interpret as revelations and translate into numerical codes.

How is this even possible? They are aware of the significance of each number in the ruse, so if they have a butterfly dream, the number 2 must be included in the numerical combination.

A table with successive numbers from 1 to 100 is called a bolita or charada cubana. The first 36 are claimed to have been taken from the Chinese charada, also called Rifa Chiffá. The game was first released as a more graphic roulette variation.

What number came out today? How do I know?

Would you like to know the number that was called during the Cuban Bolita? To learn the “number that came up last night” or the “number that came up at lunchtime,” Cubans on the Island used to listen to the old Cuban radio stations in South Florida every day before the Internet.

It was essentially the only method to predict how the game of chance would turn out. Let’s not forget that, despite its failure to completely eradicate it from popular culture, gambling was outlawed during the 1959 revolution.

With the Internet, it is no longer necessary to prick your ear to a vintage radio and try to make out the ball’s outcome above the static and noise.

The most popular game in Cuba is typically the Florida Lottery Pick 3, which requires participants to choose three numbers twice daily.

Click here to view the most recent result if you’re interested.

Cuban charada’s past

In the middle of the 19th century, between 1840 and 1870, Charade came in Cuba. It arrived on the island with tens of thousands of Chinese people who were sent there to work.

Only the Chinese played the numerals, which were only 36, at first. The printed-page drawing of a Chinese person depicted by the numbers represented the many marks on their body.

There were tiny drawings of animals, people, and objects on the various regions of the body that were portrayed. Each drawing had a corresponding number next to it.

Thousands of African slaves were sent to Cuba, where they joined the Chinese immigrants’ love of gambling.

At the start of the 20th century, 64 more numbers were added to the list of known ones. From the Chinese charada with 36 ingredients, what is presently referred to as Cuban charada was created.

Cuban charada is not a definitive list, as history demonstrates. Every number has acquired new connotations over time as a result of culture and common usage. Even distinct numbers compete for the same interpretation.

Cuban Cabals, Nightmares and Dreams

The 100 numbers of the charada and their associated meanings are related to dreams and nightmares in Cuban culture.

The dream-charada relationship is known as cabala, or cabula in some parts of the country, and serves as the basis for betting in the illegal game or secret lottery known as La Bolita.

If you want, you can download the Cuban charada from NoticiasCuba in PDF format. If you are curious, you can also see the English version of the Cuban charada.

