3 min readJul 28, 2022

The Small Business Website Manager Is Dying

Along with the local website designer, you can add the small business website manager job description into a growing list of obsolete roles as a result of continuous innovations and developments in software and technology, specifically, in the website builder software space.

The market for website builder software continues to grow, with long-standing entrants showing continued positive results. Unlike in the past, today it is well understood that all businesses need a website. Industry commentators and customers alike are noticing this trend and jumping on-board.

While the software platforms continue to grow, there is a growing group of middlemen and otherwise displaced persons acting to “manage” websites for their small business clients. In some cases, these small businesses will employ not only a contractor, but an external website manager to take care of everything related to the website.

There is a common mismatch between the economics of a small business and that of the displaced IT professional. Where it makes sense to invest a small amount in a ‘web presence’, but anything beyond that it is difficult to envision the return due to the amount of education and convincing that would be required to take it further online and build up a reasonable marketing asset.

This situation is where many businesses found themselves and therefore they made the decision to abandon any strategy or direction that the website may have once embarked on. They didn’t understand the payoff and didn’t trust that their efforts would ultimately lead to it. This hasn’t been helped by the numerous small business website designers that failed to invest in understanding the fundamental principles of search engine optimization (SEO) and therefore continued to keep their customers behind.

Fortunately, there are several modern, mobile website builder platforms such as dazzly that make it extremely easy for anyone, regardless of IT skill, to build, launch and manage their website going forward, and the best part is, you can do it entirely from your mobile device!

Why is the Small Business Website Manager dying?

Innovation is killing the Small Business Website Manager. They’re becoming irrelevant. There will be a realization that there is no need for an external contractor, let alone an internal individual solely delegated to managing the website and prioritizing marketing and IT demands. The small business owner, or another administrative staff or marketing staff member, can easily provision a small amount of their time in-order to sufficiently manage the website.

How is this possible? Its simple — dazzly does all the hard small business website management work for you. You simply need to keep the website up to date with the latest content that your customers are interested in (what you know best) and forget the nightmarish management and maintenance tasks of the past — leave that to us.

Why is it so easy to create a website on your mobile device with dazzly?

The main reason for this is because dazzly uses a form-based website builder interface, instead of the drag-and-drop interface used by alternative software platforms. A form-based website builder is far less intimidating and allows the decision maker to simply input text and images and the website will be generated before your eyes. There is no need to learn coding or navigate complex menus, dazzly does all the magic for you.

Does dazzly work on iPhone?

Yes, many people choose to create a website on their iPhone, iPad or other Apple devices.

Does dazzly work on Android?

dazzly works on Android and many other mobile device operating systems. Not only is there a Progressive Web App (PWA) but we have specific functionality and tailored custom designs to accommodate the responsive and changing needs of these systems.

What makes dazzly a mobile website builder?

To learn more about dazzly’s specific capabilities please check out our mobile capabilities page.

Does dazzly work on Desktop and Laptop computers?

Yes, dazzly will work on most Desktop and Laptop computers, as the software is accessed through your website browser from our website.

How can I try dazzly?

At dazzly we offer an entirely free, no-credit card required, 14-day trial in-order for you to evaluate the software and see the benefits and the exact website that you’ll get before you commit to the paid plan.

Check out our website templates and sign up for free trial!


Official account of dazzly — a website builder software helping businesses in USA, AUS and NZ! https://www.dazzly.co !