Part 2: Mitre ATT&CK Framework: Origins, Use Cases, and Benefits

David Berg
5 min readMay 1, 2023


In Part One, we embarked on Lord Mitre’s journey, exploring the 14 tactics of the MITRE ATT&CK framework. If you missed it, you can catch up by following the link provided. Now, in this chapter, we’ll delve deeper into the origin of Mitre and the MITRE ATT&CK framework, along with its key use cases and benefits. Let’s get started!

Mitre and Mitre ATT&CK in nuthshell

As a non-profit organization, Mitre offers engineering expertise and technical guidance to the U.S. federal government from its headquarters in Massachusetts and Virginia.

At the heart of this discussion is the ATT&CK framework, which stands for Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge. Born from a research project in 2013, the framework serves as an invaluable resource for threat hunters, defenders, and red teams. It helps them classify attacks, and pinpoint attribution, and objectives, while also assessing an organization’s risk. The 2022 edition of ATT&CK for Enterprise encompasses 14 Tactics, 193 Techniques, 401 Subtechniques, 135 Groups, 14 Campaigns, and 718 Software Pieces, painting a vivid picture of the cybersecurity landscape.

Tactics in the ATT&CK framework explain the “why” — the adversary’s goal behind an action, such as discovering information or moving laterally within a network. Meanwhile, Techniques illustrate the “how” and sometimes the “what” — detailing how an adversary achieves these goals or what they gain. For instance, an adversary might dump credentials to access valuable information, aiding in their lateral movement. With these fundamental concepts, we’re all set to navigate the complex world of the Mitre ATT&CK framework.

Use Cases

Indeed, the MITRE ATT&CK framework is more than a captivating story. Its real-world applications are vast and instrumental in fortifying cybersecurity defenses.

  1. Detections and Analytics: The ATT&CK framework is a potent tool for Behavioral Analytics Development. Traditional detection methods have their limitations, but the ATT&CK framework brings in a new perspective. By focusing on the behavior of attackers, it enables the development of detection techniques that could help identify attacks and even potentially track them back to the threat actors.
  2. Threat Intelligence: Leveraging the ATT&CK framework for Cyberthreat Intelligence can greatly enhance the organization’s defense strategy. It provides crucial insights into potential threats and adversarial tactics, allowing organizations to be more informed and proactive in their defensive measures.
  3. Adversary Emulation and Red Teaming: The framework is instrumental in Adversary Emulation, helping organizations test their resilience by simulating real-world cyber threats. It is essentially like having an adversary’s playbook during a penetration test! In Red Teaming, it aids in ensuring comprehensive coverage, clear communication of vulnerabilities, and identifying creative ways to bypass defenses.
  4. Assessment and Engineering: The ATT&CK framework is key in Defensive Gap Assessment and SOC Maturity Assessment. It serves as a comprehensive checklist that helps identify potential vulnerabilities in an organization’s defenses. It also enables organizations to run tests to assess the effectiveness of their Security Operations Center (SOC), ensuring readiness against real-world cyber threats.

Benefits of Using Mitre Att&ck

The benefits of the MITRE ATT&CK framework are substantial. First and foremost, it promotes a common language and understanding throughout the cybersecurity community, encouraging collaboration and the exchange of vital intelligence. Secondly, it keeps organizations informed about emerging threats and attack techniques. Regular updates to the framework ensure that organizations stay informed about the latest threats, enabling proactive measures against them.

Additionally, the MITRE ATT&CK framework greatly boosts an organization’s security posture and reduces risk by enabling efficient threat prioritization and resource allocation. Furthermore, it serves as an invaluable tool for training and testing security teams, helping them refine their responses to evolving cyber threats and enhancing overall resilience and preparedness.

In wrapping up, this article has strived to provide you with a foundational understanding of the MITRE ATT&CK framework, its use cases, and its many benefits in fortifying cybersecurity defenses. The framework represents a crucial component of any cybersecurity strategy, a versatile tool that can be used to build robust and resilient defense systems. For an in-depth understanding and to further enhance your cybersecurity skills, the MITRE ATT&CK website can serve as an invaluable resource. Just like any other field, cybersecurity requires continuous learning and adaptation, and the MITRE ATT&CK framework is a steadfast ally on this journey.

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David Berg

Passionate about technology, design, and productivity, I write about cyber security with a focus on easy-to-follow guides and clear explanations.