Lesson #5: Life Is Perspective (A Letter To My Father)

Wendell Denis
2 min readAug 2, 2023


Binghamton University Commencement Class of 2023 — Wendell Denis, B.A in English.


If this road leads me no further, I am forever grateful for the sights I’ve seen and experiences I’ve lived. On this journey, I’ve encountered all types of terrain, high and low .. smooth & rocky. I’ve met a wide range of people, all who have unique perspectives on this reality we call life. I’ve traveled to foreign lands and indulged in great art & culture. I’ve fell in love, only to be heartbroken but still welcome the possibilities of what is to come.

Through it all, I’ve come to the realization that this life is struggle. It will never be easy. Each day will present a new challenge and obstacle, this is a fact. But where it becomes interesting is when we decide what is true of ourselves within this reality and accept the struggles that this choice will bring. This way, we are able to attribute a special meaning to moments that would otherwise have destroyed us.

As I remember my college graduation, the emotions filling my character were not for the ceremony or the personal achievement itself. What drew my emotion was witnessing your excitement within that moment. After 23 years, I finally felt what its like to make you proud. Different than a basketball game or a live performance, you were fully present in the moment at hand.

My biggest fear, as I continue to journey through life, is that this moment might never be recreated. In reflecting on my experiences, I’ve decided to go down a creative path in pursuit of creating a life for myself centered around art. Contrary to your vision of success, I understand where our perspectives might clash. However, this is the challenge I wish to navigate through, in efforts to grant a greater meaning to my existence.

Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly where this road will lead me, but as I trust my intuition I pray that you will as well. Who knows? Maybe I’ll end up in Los Angeles accepting awards for my art or maybe it’ll be elementary classrooms teaching middle schoolers how to express themselves. Regardless, I hope to always have your support & stamp of approval in all that I do.

-Wendell Denis aka DBNAIR MBW



Wendell Denis

Teacher. Artist. Wanderer. These are just my thoughts.