dbnex B
2 min readSep 4, 2017


Well, I don't know about you and I haven't read your article but my experience is quite great. I bougth my MBP2015 almost 2yrs ago and quite happy with it. It is my very first Apple product and I dont see my self going back Windows.

My all work and experience is Windows and Linux, more than 15 yrs.

When I was looking for a new machine in December 2015, I got first MBP 2015, 15" retina, $3000. I liked it but wanted to compare to same level Windows machine, so I returned it after about 3 weeks (Apple offers 1 month “try and see” during X-mass holidays)

Then, I got Dell XPS 15", also $3000, top notch at that time. Tried it for 2–3 weeks and returned it. It was obvious on first day that the machine underfunded even though it had much higher specs than MBP. Resolution, even higher sucked compare to Mac’s. Performance was same. Constant freezing and updating something while keeping whole system frozen or slow. It did it even though all was updated, Cortana was disabled, optimized.

So, December 2015 made me make the switch and even though I never used any apple device before, I was bought and went for the MacBook Pro and love it still. Why?

Machine performs amazingly still after so much installation.

Love that I dont have to close anything, reboot machine and all I worked with is waiting for me

Love the touch pad, stopped using mouse completely on my Mac

Love resolution and keypads

Everything I do (development in java, web, RN, Android, Xamarin) simply works without some stupid errors and issues like on windows

And if you look for top notch developer machine, then the price is almost identical but much better machine.

I heard if you play games, Macs are not good. I dont know that, I dont play any.

So, sorry but could not disagree more, although I understand, we all have our preferences and machines are used in so many different ways.

One last thing, I dual boot, so have Windows on my MBP, too. And I am considering removing it as I dont use it at all anymore.

Thanks for your post though

