Published inMarshmallow StoriesOur Android 1.0 journeyMarshmallow’s Android 1.0 app is live! 🚀May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
How I made my legacy app modular — part 2This is part two of .Sep 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019
Patterns in Kotlin: Abstract FactoryThe Abstract Factory Pattern intent is to provide an interface to create families of related or dependent objects without specify their…Jun 4, 20192Jun 4, 20192
Animate Android custom viewThis is part 2 of 15, 2019Apr 15, 2019
Creating Android custom viewOne of my favourite part of writing an Android custom view is when you add value to the UI & UX of an application. Recently, as part of…Apr 1, 20191Apr 1, 20191
How to write a custom rule in LintAt my team at Deliveroo, we have recently decided to start using Google Truth instead of Hamcrest for test assertion but considering the…Mar 5, 20191Mar 5, 20191
How I have modularized my legacy app— part 1We all have been there. Whatever is the team getting bigger or your app becoming old, there is a point at which to scale up the…Jan 21, 2019Jan 21, 2019
Kotlin sealed classes: how to test them with TruthIn my team at Deliveroo we’ve recently introduced Truth library for unit testing and we are very pleased with it: we like the syntax, the…Oct 12, 2018Oct 12, 2018
Kotlin and static, not as easy as JavaIf you write Android code, it is very likely that you have some static field to use as key of your Shared Preferences or Bundles and…Mar 12, 20183Mar 12, 20183
RxJava, a story about delay and schedulersRxJava is a beast. It has a very high learning curve but it lets you do complicated things in very few lines of code which comes with a…Dec 29, 20171Dec 29, 20171