DBULL — How to Join Early Access on Testnet and Earn $BULL

3 min readJan 9, 2024


How to Join Early Access on Testnet and Earn $BULL

DBULL is revolutionizing the decentralized finance (DeFi) space with its Lossless DeFi Protocol. Geared towards optimizing cryptocurrency crowd investment strategies, minimizing risks and achieving substantial profit.
DBULL provides an innovative platform for users to participate in its testnet. The Early Access is now live, offering users the chance to earn $BULL through Bull Points. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to join the DBULL Early Access on Testnet and unlock exciting rewards.

Airdrop Alert: Join Early Access to Earn $BULL

Before diving into the steps, take advantage of the ongoing Airdrop by joining the Early Access. Earn $BULL tokens by actively participating and accumulating Bull Points during the Test2Earn campaign. Let’s get started!

1. Visit testnet.dbull.io

Begin your journey by visiting the official DBULL testnet website at testnet.dbull.io. Familiarize yourself with the platform, read about its features, and learn how you can benefit from being an early adopter.

2. Connect Wallet & Complete Tasks

To access the DBULL testnet, connect your preferred cryptocurrency wallet. Supported wallets include MetaMask, WalletConnect, and others. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete any necessary tasks for onboarding. This step ensures a seamless and secure connection to the DBULL platform.

3. Claim Test MATIC on mumbaifaucet.com

To actively participate in the testnet, you need Test MATIC tokens. Visit mumbaifaucet.com — a faucet designed for the Mumbai testnet. Claim your Test MATIC tokens to fuel your transactions and interactions on the DBULL platform.

4. Claim Test WBTC on testnet.dbull.io

Return to the DBULL testnet website and locate the option to claim Test WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin). This step is essential for engaging with the available pools and earning Bull Points. Follow the prompts on the website to claim your Test WBTC tokens securely.

5. Join any Pool to earn BULL Point

With Test MATIC and WBTC in your wallet, explore the various pools available on the DBULL testnet. Join a pool that aligns with your investment strateg and start earning Bull Points. The more actively you participate, the more $BULL you accumulate.

6. Check your BULL Points on Leaderboard

Monitor your progress by checking the leaderboard on the DBULL testnet website. This dynamic feature allows you to track your Bull Points accumulation and compare your performance with other early adopters. Stay engaged, maximize your participation, and climb the ranks on the leaderboard for even more rewards.

7. Get an invite code to boost your BULL Points

Upon joining the 1st Pool, 1 Invite Code is generated.

  • Direct invitees receive an additional 20% bonus on their earned points
  • Level 2 invitees receive an additional 10% bonus on their earned points.

Leverage the power of networking to boost your BULL Points and maximize your rewards on the DBULL testnet.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully joined the Early Access phase on the DBULL testnet. By following these steps, you’re now on your way to earning $BULL through Bull Points. Embrace the innovative features of the DBULL platform, experiment with different pools, and enjoy the benefits of being an early participant in this groundbreaking Lossless DeFi Protocol. Test, earn, and unlock the full potential of DBULL!

🚀🐂 #Test2Earn #BULLPoint $BULL


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🎯Maximizing Profit in Uptrends, Eliminating Market Downturns | 🤑#DeFi Protocol ➡️ Mitigate risks & Achieve Substantial Returns | Always $BULL, Only on #DBULL