My Favorite Audiobooks of 2017

David Cancel
3 min readDec 23, 2017


I’ve written before on the books I recommend the most. A question I often get from people who read that post is which of these books or which books in general make for a good audiobook.

For me audiobooks are very hit or miss. It’s all about your connection to the narrator. I have given up on many great books because I couldn’t connect with the narrator.

I usually recommend non-fiction books but this year I included several fiction books that I really enjoyed.

Here are the audiobooks I enjoyed the most in 2017. Note: not all of these were published in 2017 but I enjoyed (re)listening to them in 2017 so I shared them with you.

What books did you listen to this year that I missed?

PS. If you enjoy reading you might enjoy listening to my podcast, SEEKING WISDOM, where we share what we are learning and bring on people we are learning from.

