One Habit You Need To Unlock

David Cancel
4 min readNov 25, 2015


This morning I have two more reasons to be grateful:

  1. I recieved this great praise for my team at Driftt from fellow startup founder Rob Biederman. I am grateful every day (more on that below) for the opportunity to work alongside this team.

2. I didn’t plan to publish this week’s newsletter publicly, but Sunjay and a few other people contacted me asking for a public link, so I published this week’s email below. I’m grateful that others find these emails useful.

Hi all,

There is one habit that I think we all need to unlock.

For the last 136 days I’ve completed this one habit by 7am each morning. It’s one of the most power habits I’ve ever adopted.

It’s one of five habits I perform every morning before I touch email, Twitter, Driftt, Slack, ETC.

The One Habit

Yesterday I was reminded about the importance of this habit when we had our first Drifttgiving celebration. We stuffed our faces with all sorts of homemade goodness (I made brussels sprouts).

At the end of the feast we all went around and shared what we were grateful for this year. When it was my turn I confessed to the team that I have been writing down what I am grateful for every day for the last 136 days.

Each day I start my day by writing down what I am grateful for. This habit has had a huge impact on my mood and has helped give me the right perspective when facing the daily obstacles we all hit.

To do this I use an app named Momentum (iTunes link) to track this along with the 4 other habits that make up my daily morning ritual. (screenshot below)

I ran across this great article in the NY Times yesterday on being grateful — “Choose to Be Grateful. It Will Make You Happier.

MIT Engineering Talk

Last week I spoke to a class of MIT Engineers about Entrepreneurship. Here’s the only thing I drew on the board:

Donald Trump

I was reading Donald Trump’s book (Yikes!), How to Get Rich, the other morning when I ran across this great passage on Carl Jung:

Trump’s book has nothing really to do with get rich schemes and has everything to do with how he manages his time. It’s an interesting book if you can put politics and all the stupid stuff he says to get press aside just long enough to read the book.

Lastly remember what Charlie Munger says about forming an opinion:

“I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.” Charlie Munger

Quick thoughts

I hope you have a great week surrounded by family and friends. Please shoot me a tweet if you have feedback, comments or if you just want to holla at me.

Thanks for reading and stay curious,

If you want others to see this, please hit the ❤. I really appreciate it!

David Cancel is the CEO of Drift and the co-host of Seeking Wisdom. His company’s mission and his personal mission is to help every company on earth know, grow and amaze their customers.

