Navigating the Circular Seas: A Candid Look at Drawbacks and Potential Abuses in Nigeria"

Lawal Marafa
3 min readDec 22, 2023


Sea waves

Ahoy there, circular economy enthusiasts! Buckle up, because as we set sail into the vast sea of sustainability, it's crucial to be mindful of a few potential storm clouds looming on the horizon. Picture this as your friendly captain providing a weather forecast – not to dampen your spirits, but to make sure your circular ship stays afloat in Nigerian waters.

1. The Greenwashing Quicksand:

Watch out for greenwashing, the tricky beast that disguises itself in eco-friendly clothing while secretly harboring less virtuous intentions. In our pursuit of circular economy glory, some may attempt to use green language to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers without truly committing to sustainable practices. Be on the lookout for those faux eco-warriors!

2. The Tangled Web of Complexity:

Circular economy is a marvelous concept, but it can get as tangled as a fishing net if not handled with care. Navigating the complexities of closed-loop systems, resource optimization, and waste management can be like untangling a stubborn knot. Without proper education and support, businesses might find themselves in a web of confusion.

3. The Sirens of Resource Mismanagement:

Beware of the seductive song of resource mismanagement. In the pursuit of circularity, some may fall into the trap of overexploiting certain resources, thinking they're doing good by recycling. The challenge here is to maintain a delicate balance and avoid inadvertently causing harm while aiming for sustainability.

4. The Mirage of Technological Dependency:

Technology is our trusty shipmate, but relying too heavily on it could lead us into uncharted waters. The circular economy shouldn't become a tech-dependent treasure hunt, where the quest for innovation overshadows fundamental principles. We need to be cautious not to create a technological mirage that distracts from the true essence of circularity.

5. The Pirate’s Plunder:

Every treasure hunt attracts pirates, and the circular economy is no exception. Some unscrupulous actors may exploit the goodwill of circular practices for their gain, engaging in illegal activities or unethical behaviors. Vigilance is key to protect against the plunder of the circular economy's true potential.

6. The Storm of Regulatory Challenges:

Regulatory storms can brew unexpectedly, and navigating them requires a sturdy ship. In Nigeria, where regulations might not be as clear as the Caribbean waters, businesses must be prepared for sudden changes and evolving policies that could impact the feasibility and profitability of circular initiatives.

7. The Allure of Short-Term Gains:

In the quest for long-term sustainability, the sirens of short-term gains can be alluring. Businesses might be tempted to compromise on circular principles for quick profits. It's crucial to resist the allure of the sirens and stay committed to the course, understanding that the true riches lie in the sustained success of circular practices.

In conclusion, our circular voyage in Nigeria promises rich rewards, but like any adventure, it comes with its share of challenges and potential abuses. It's essential to steer our circular ship with caution, keeping an eye on the compass of ethical practices and environmental stewardship. Remember, it's not just about the destination – it's about the journey, and with careful navigation, we can ride the circular waves to a more sustainable and prosperous future in Nigeria.



Lawal Marafa

I'm Lawal, I write about built environment from real estate to sustainability (eco-friendly) and automations.