How to Build and Test your Unity Game

Dustin Cargile
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


Eventually, you may want to share your hard work with your friends and family or even distribute your game online for the world to play. Unity has a built-in that makes packaging your game for distribution as quick and easy as just a few button clicks.

You simply open the Build Settings, located in the File menu.

Select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone. We can access the Player Settings here.

We need to change the Fullscreen Mode to Windowed as we do not currently have a way of quitting the game from within the game.

And now we just click on Build.

We’ll need to select a folder to put the build into. Create a new folder to save the build in and click Select Folder.

And now we wait for Unity to compile and build our game.

Once Unity has finished, we can look in the folder that we saved our build to where there are several new files.

If we click on the executable with the name of our project, a window will open and we can play our game.

Now, you can distribute those files to your friends and family and they can enjoy all of your hard work.


