Whole30 — Week 2

Daniel Carter
2 min readJun 5, 2016


Week 2 complete. This week had some ups and downs, but overall saw a lot of improvements.

Week Reactions

I’m not sure if it is because I’m getting used to it, or thinking more clearly, but this week I didn’t feel the time commitment portion as badly the previous week. There is a lot of up front preparation time, but usually I think it takes about the same amount of time to sauté veggies while heating up meat as it would to go out somewhere, buy food, and come back, and eat it. Quickly making eggs every morning has become part of a routine and my mornings are much better for it.

I feel my energy levels are right where they were prior to starting Whole30 for my workouts— if not a little better. The workouts I was doing prior to the process I am able to get through again so that is a relief.

One thing I didn’t mention last week but has been crucial for me is Instacart. Being able to have groceries come directly to my door following work or a workout has made the struggle so much less. I think one of the most important parts of the Whole30 experience is to plan and make sure you always have food. I can very easily see how someone could break down if they find they have nothing readily available to eat.

The Food

This week the food definitely had some ups and downs. I made some phenomenal buffalo wings with franks red hot sauce coupled with brussel sprouts. For the rest of the week for dinners I mostly had chicken and sweet potatoes or squash.

Now for the bad. I didn’t want to just eat leftovers for lunch everyday so prepared a lot of tuna salad. In the tuna salad found some recipes that replace the mayo with avocado. For me personally this was incredibly disgusting, and I would not recommend anyone to try. I had made enough for 5 days of lunches so suffice to say it did not make this process any easier.

During the weekend I ate out at a pretty popular sushi restaurant. I did call ahead to find out the ingredients to some of their foods to figure out what I could eat. Similar to the last time, the manager was very friendly and accommodating to the best of their ability, but as soon as I got to the restaurant the waiter had an attitude about the situation. I ended up playing it super safe with an unseasoned steak and unseasoned asparagus and mushrooms.

Closing Thoughts

As expected, this week was a lot easier than the last. I have found that now I am only getting cravings in situations where I am hungry. Usually after I eat they go away. I’ve heard things start coming together during week 3, so very much looking forward to it.

