Rasing Awareness of Climate Change with Humor

Dede Cummings
4 min readJan 19, 2018


Editor’s note: This commentary is by Dede Cummings, of Brattleboro, who is a poet and publisher, an environmental activist, a member of 350-Vermont, and the founder and publisher of Green Writers Press. It was first published by Vermont Digger on Friday, January 19, 2018.

Yes, the climate is in peril, and most of us are too busy to stop and look through the forest.

You see, in Vermont, we are protected, somewhat. Our proximity to Canada, always good, gives us a northern edge. Our Northeast Kingdom, in fact, is a world unto itself, teeming with trout, bears, wild and untamed mountains and bogs, and people who inhabit a world of slow living.

My view today on my hike in the hills above Brattleboro . . . Vermont at its finest with snow on the ground.

Down south, in Brattleboro where I live, we are linked to the urban cities of Boston and New York by proximity.

Given the impressive swath of our great state, how does one unify to face the impending climate catastrophe and shout out clear and loud to the rest of the world that we are a free, independent little state with a fierce and growing electorate who cares about our climate’s fragility and social justice?

Our migrant farm workers are a good example of the longstanding tradition of what makes Vermont so great: its people, farms, politicians like Bernie Sanders not afraid to speak up for the working people, artists like Ines Zeller and Eric Bass of Sandglass Theater in Putney who use theater to profligate a message of hope, and countless other writers and artists throughout the state.

Here is the link to write letters to support a Vermont dairy migrant worker who was picked up by border patrol and arrested (!): https://actionnetwork.org/letters/freefrancisco

Politics and art aside, what else is there to wake people up to taking a vocal and activist stand against the climate deniers who inhabit the White House?

How can we organize, especially since the election of the arch nemesis of President Obama thundered into the White House with his cellphone bleeping out annoying and inaccurate tweets that not only jeopardize our safety in the world, but the fragile environment we inhabit: our plants, trees, national parks, air and water.

Do the corporations care who plunder and pave roads and lay down pipelines filled with gas and oil, erect windmills on ridges that no one wants, deliver books by drones (someday) from warehouses that don’t even benefit the local economy? Easy answer: greed is a problem for global sustainability.

Enter Bill Mares and Jeff Danziger, two Vermont friends who collaborated on a new book entitled “The Full Vermonty: Vermont in the Age of Trump” (Green Writers 2017), and Bill McKibben, the Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College and an author, environmentalist, and co-founder of the international climate campaign 350.org that works in 188 countries around the world, with a new book called “Radio Free Vermont: A Tale of Resistance” (Blue Rider Press 2017). Let’s not overlook Brattleboro-area writer Peter Gould, one of the original back-to-the-landers in Guilford whose memoir of stories entitled “Horse-Drawn Yogurt: Stories from Total Loss Farm,” is filled with laugh-out-loud humor and poignancy.

Why am I hopeful about these activist writers making a difference in saving our environment? They are funny, that’s why!

God knows, it has been three decades since Bill McKibben wrote “The End of Nature”; and over three decades since I was a college student at Middlebury College determined to live in Vermont, start a family, a co-op, and dwell amongst a community of communards. Decades. What has happened to global warming? We all know the answer to that: just look at the weather news from the past year alone — tropical storms with the fiercest winds in history, fires burning out of control — and whether you believe in science or not, you will notice the bizarre weather conditions like winter cyclones with the words “bomb” in the title. Where did that come from, you wonder, as you huddle down in front of your wood stove with a good book.

The books I mention are all comedy, but there is one new book that is more of a tragedy and packs a wallop in its quiet and sustained story of a Vermont family and a daughter’s search for a heroin-addicted mother in the hills around Brattleboro during Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. That is Marlboro writer Robin MacArthur’s debut novel “Heart Spring Mountain,” newly published (Ecco Press). Brava to MacArthur, who uses her considerable talent as a writer to create a novel centered around climate change at its core, with a storm that remains fresh in our minds with the devastation it wrought.

Whether it be comedy, or tragedy, we all need to tell the story of the global climate crisis. These Vermont writers are doing just that.



Dede Cummings

Book designer by profession; a publisher/poet/writer living in Vermont.