Book Publishing During the PandemicWhat are we reading? My latest read is Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. He brings the reader into the world of mushrooms in such a way…Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
The Landscape of Place in a PandemicEvery day, I hike the trail behind my house. First, I walk down my driveway with my black lab/pit bull rescue dog on a leash, then I take…May 6, 2020May 6, 2020
Coping with the PandemicHow do you move through the world now? The distance is palpable: no hanging out in bars and talking to girlfriends over drinks, no poetry…Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
How are you?There’s a soccer game going on. He said it looks like some sort of league. Maybe you should join, I said. You can practice your Spanish. He…Jan 5, 2020Jan 5, 2020
The Purpose of Our LivesIn Honor of Indigenous People’s Day, October 14, 2019Oct 15, 2019Oct 15, 2019
Rasing Awareness of Climate Change with HumorEditor’s note: This commentary is by Dede Cummings, of Brattleboro, who is a poet and publisher, an environmental activist, a member of…Jan 19, 2018Jan 19, 2018
I attended the Women’s Convention in Detroit to present a panel on sustainable publishing.I have a reoccurring nightmare: I’m being chased by a man who is trying to stab me. There you have it. I don’t think I’ve shared this with…Jan 3, 2018Jan 3, 2018
The Writing Life, Telling Our Storiesfirst published 23, 2017Oct 23, 2017