David Chappell
6 min readMay 14, 2020

Portraits of Generation Z: Manny

Portraits of Generation Z

One thing we notice repeatedly at Pursue Scholars are the gifts and passions of our scholars. Each of our scholars uses these tools to be a leader in a very unique way. Some are business leaders like Emmanuel Reid from Boston University. Some are health leaders like Leslie. Some are environmental leaders like Aidden. Some are faith leaders like Ale. The blessing of doing these stories is that it shows us how vibrant and dynamic our scholars are, and that the next generation is prepared to lead in ways that are just as vibrant and dynamic.

Emmanuel (Manny), a rising star at nearby Taylor University, is preparing himself to be a leader. While his eventual profession will be in the digital media and marketing space, his current role as a leader is to be a change agent, a pathmaker, a catalyst. If you had not already heard, Manny was elected to be Taylor University’s newest student body president. We were honored to take some time to get a peek into his life, how he is dealing with the challenges of coronavirus, and how he is handling the pending responsibilities of student leadership.

Manny is a Junior at Taylor University studying media production with a minor in photography. His dream is to come back to West Humboldt Park and start a nonprofit that teaches young people how to tell stories through the use of photography. He has a deep dedication to improving the conditions of his hometown upon graduation, exemplifying the mission of Pursue Scholars.

Life on campus was hectic for Manny due to the coronavirus outbreak. Everyone was arguing, no one was listening, and people needed answers that weren’t being given. The administration was trying to provide guidance as best as they could and professors were trying to assign as much work as possible knowing a shut down may be pending. It was a difficult moment in his life as he had to say goodbye to his friends as they left campus, never knowing if he would see them again in person.

As hectic as the campus climate was, Manny felt aptly prepared for this moment of chaos. His training with Pursue Scholars and his deep faith in the Lord gave him the tools to manage. To him, Pursue Scholars instilled in him a gift of patience and flexibility. His mentors from Pursue Scholars always reinforce a reliance upon God in good times and bad, which helped him remain faithful and diligent amidst recklessness. His faith prepared him to have hope in something other than himself. Since God has been infinitely good in his life up until now, if He did nothing else for Manny he would still be eternally grateful. His reliance on faith and his past training has allowed him to pass this temporary test of resiliency. He has extended grace to his professors as they struggle to transition on the fly, and remains faithful that he can effectively maintain close relationships with classmates despite the physical distance.

In terms of his new role as President, he is excited past all measures. He was inspired to run by many of his mentors, including our Executive Director, Kevin Gwin, who told him that he would be student body president before he even stepped foot on Taylor’s campus. A quotation drove Manny through the campaign that came from his friend Benny: “You don’t love your community because it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful because you love it.” He transposed that fixture upon his gaze of Taylor University, as he committed himself to love a campus that faces challenges for minority students much like most college campuses in this country.

Campaigning digitally was a unique challenge for Manny. However, since he has been expertly trained by professors on the art of media production, he and his Vice President Anna’s social media presence was unmatched. The normally meek Manny had to turn on a different part of himself. The need to self promote was not something that he was used to, but he realized that it was more about sharing a message that people could get behind. As weird as it was, it worked, and Manny is now the first Act Six scholar to win the presidency at Taylor University.

Now that his campaign is done, and he is settling in at home to finish the semester, new challenges are arising. He is struggling with a lack of focus due to not having the physical space of school to motivate him. There are no more desks in the corner of the library where he could slink away for a couple of hours to lose himself in his studies. Being at school tremendously helped him with his ability to perform. While his major allows him an easier transition to working from home, he looks forward to getting back to campus once things calm down.

While at home though, he is trying to support his family as best as he can. He helps support his brothers while his parents work as essential workers all day out in the community. One of these brothers just had knee reconstruction surgery so he helps him with rehabbing exercises in preparation for high school wrestling in the homemade gym he and his dad put together. His other brother is going to DePaul so he helps him with school work.

The COVID-19 crisis has taught him that while the economy looks scary for many, his career field seems somewhat safe from the perils that many are facing. Getting into media production and digital business marketing is a good idea in a time where media consumption has dramatically risen with so many people at home. He knows he has to continue to work hard and focus on building up his skills so he can find employment in any economic situation.

Manny wants to change that narrative and show that young people are trying to make a difference in their communities through this outbreak. He says, “Don’t disregard the efforts of young people who are staying inside and supporting the community. I would encourage older generations to not throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Manny stressed the fact that young people need help to make wiser decisions and to not give up on them.

Manny is a change maker. His faith in a mission inspired by the Spirit has led him to be the first of many student body presidents from Pursue Scholars. Let’s all hope that now that Manny has a taste for the political field, he will bring his humility and passion for justice to West Humboldt Park as a future Alderman.

Manny is a change agent, are you? How are you going to change yourself, your family, or your company today? How are you going to shape Chicago into a better place? Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone this week. Commit to volunteering by phone banking for a local politician, go grocery shopping for an elderly neighbor, or donate to a church or nonprofit. Whatever it is, be inspired by Manny’s leap of faith by taking your own.

David Chappell

David is the Director of Development and Communications at a Chicago-based nonprofit named Pursue Scholars.